The Clockwork Riot vs the Little Kiosk on the Sidewalk

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The Clockwork Riot vs the Little Kiosk on the Sidewalk The riots came like a tide, in regular intervals. It was always something or other, the economy, the pension cutbacks, something. But the clockwork riot was the one right before Christmas, at December 6. Each year, every year, like clockwork. It started in 2008, right before the Greek Crisis. When two special officers, policemen in the eyes of the people but not really officers of the law, shot and killed a 15-year-old student called Alex. The ensuing protests boiled into full-scale riots. It was the drop that spilt the glass of bile, the feather that tipped the scales of social power. And our little shop was right in the middle of it. We have a periptero, it’s a small everything-market crammed down into a few square metres on the

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