Chapter Four-2

2003 Words

When she packed, she had chosen her gowns with great care. There would be no lady’s maid to press them if they were creased and, as they had to be very light, it was essential for her to make the right choice. She had stood for a long time in front of her wardrobe, which was packed with gowns of all sorts and descriptions. Finally she had chosen two simple muslins she thought would not look too expensive, although in fact they had come from a famous Parisian couturier. Two day gowns and one for the evening was all Valda had allowed herself. But she had put in one of her thin riding skirts with its light jacket, which she wore in the heat of the summer. She debated now as to whether she should put this on. Then she thought that Mr. Sanford would not be expecting her to ride and later s

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