Dangerous Picnic

1089 Words
Rachel I looked at the carriage's window and glanced at Lindy, who seemed to be staring at me with a smile on her face. A smile ran across my lips also as I looked away. "The place we are having the picnic is quite far." I muttered as she chuckled. "Of course. We are going further from the pack since I want alone time with you. Have you forgotten you are my son's mate? Hence, I need to give you a little advice as a Luna and a mother. Very soon, you and my son will rule the pack. You'll need a mentor to guide you." She replied and I nodded. We were both quiet throughout the drive. It took about thirty to fifty minutes for us to get to the location. The carriage stopped, and the coachman got down from his seat. He opened the door for us and Lindy came down first. After Lindy was out, I jumped out and seeing this made her laugh. My cheeks turned red in embarrassment. I could only look down. "Let's go." She said as we both walked together into the forest. The coachman was behind us, carrying the essential things we needed for the picnic. "Wow!" I remarked, as my gaze fell on the tall trees and attractive and sweet-smelling flowers around the area. I admired the beautiful butterflies of different species. "Isn't it nice?" Lindy asked, with a warm smile. "It's very nice." I answered almost immediately, nodding my head ecstatically. "I'm glad you like it." She giggled. "I just don't like it. I love it!" I squealed and she chortled. We stopped at the most beautiful part of the place. The part where there was enough green grass and flowers around. The butterflies kept flying around there, adding more vibrancy to the area. "We will stay here." Lindy told the coachman, who began to do his work. Diligently, he spread the red rug properly on the grass. He dusted it before Lindy sat down. "Sit." She told me, and I quietly obeyed, even though I was getting nervous. The coachman continued by bringing out two blue hand fans from the big black bag he had carried. He brought out more things, like the flask where the sliced fruits were stored and a plate of cookies. The bottles of water were also taken out and a quiver of arrows, alongside a bow, were placed on the ground. Seeing this last item made me anxious. My eyes blinked, and my fingers scratched my head, nonplussed by the reason for the presence of the unnecessary weapon. "You must be worried." Lindy's voice sounded, taking me away from my thoughts. I faced her and smiled warmly. It seemed like she had read my mind to know what was indeed bothering me. "You can leave. We will alert you when we are ready to leave." She told the coachman, who bowed before walking away. Lindy looked at me, then took her gaze to the quiver. She smiled at it and raised it to our faces. "This is actually one of the important things we need here, recently." She whispered and my eyes widened. "Arrows?" I almost yelled because I was obviously scared. "Sshh" She hushed. "You need to stay quiet. Who knows what stays beyond", she added, and placed the quiver down. "Your highness, is this beautiful place dangerous?" I asked. "All beautiful places are dangerous, my dear. Let's just forget about that and enjoy our picnic." She said, but I wasn't assured yet. I could feel my heart racing so fast. "I think we need to leave. If it is dangerous here, it's not a good place to stay", I suggested. Lindy sighed and looked at me. "Do you want to know one of the qualities of being a Luna?" She asked and I swallowed hard before nodding hesitatingly. "A Luna should be brave and ready to take risks. Only with that, will you be strong and ready to make decisions. Nobody likes or wants a scared Luna." She said, "But…" I tried saying, but was quickly interrupted by Lindy. "Rachel, you should not talk too much. Like I said before, here is a dangerous place. There are plenty of wild lives here, and let's not even talk about those diabolic rogues who would want to be troublesome and even kill at first glance." "We should have told someone about our whereabouts before leaving the palace, or probably allowed a few guards to escort you. Shouldn't we call the coachman to stay with us? He might be able to help. He looks strong." I said quickly, in a whisper. Lindy simply laughed. "My dear, let's quietly enjoy our time, talk a bit and leave here. You don't have to worry about men. I can fight just like them. Even if anything attacks us, I will fight. Besides, I've got arrows too." She said, I sighed and looked down. "Alright then. I'm going to forget about everything and just enjoy the picnic." I said nervously as I rubbed my sweaty palms together. "Good girl." Lindy chuckled and rubbed my hair. I opened the flask and plate, and we started eating the fruits and cookies which were made by the servant. "Rachel." Lindy called softly, her eyes moved like they were suspicious of something, and her hand dropped the sliced apple back into the flask. "Your highness, What is it?" I asked, moving my eyelashes rapidly. "Stay behind me. I can hear something" She whispered and grabbed the quiver. She took the bow and removed one arrow, which she attached to the bow. She got up and kept me behind her. Before I could blink an eye, I saw tough-looking men who looked dangerous and evil rushing towards us. They seemed to be werewolves, judging from their claws and fangs. They had super speed too, and as they ran toward us, they kept yelling and growling. I couldn't count as there were a lot. Lindy was, however, fast enough to shoot these arrows. Most of the men went down as a result. When she noticed the arrows were finished, she faced me and touched my cheek. "Stay here. You don't have to look. I will protect us both. Don't worry. I'll come back too". After making that statement, I watched her shift and finally, she dashed away from me to face the men all alone. I could only cry amidst whispers. My eyes closed, and I hoped she would return to me as promised.
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