Ruthless Deal

1086 Words
Rachel After Luna's burial, the Alpha's suffered emotionally despite being very ill. It didn't take long for him to dive into cardiac arrest. The royal physician was summoned, but everything he did proved infertile, as the Alpha King still died. It was indeed a sad week for Brandon and the pack. I was also deplored because of all that happened. The next day, the two were buried, and the elders started the coronation soon. That week, outside the palace, the sound of trumpets filled the air as the crowd cheered. The grand hall was filled to the brim with nobles and commoners alike, all eager to see the new king crowned. Since the old king had died suddenly, leaving the throne empty, the people were anxious to know more about Brandon, who would take his place. The coronation ceremony began. The crowd hushed as the doors to the hall swung open, and the new king entered. He was tall and regal, dressed in rich robes and a golden crown. Where I sit, I always feel the aura he eluded. He was indeed a real king. From the top to the bottom. I suddenly felt a piercing pain and looked at my arm. It was the bite Brandon had used to mark me as his mate. It has been hurting for a while, though I've been trying to suppress the pain and it's been working. We all watched as Brandon was crowned by an elder and told to make a vow for the pack. After he was sworn in, the elders ordered the guards to bring me. I was quite surprised but followed them. When I got to the platform, I was asked to stay close to Brandon, who was sitting on his throne. I reluctantly moved to him, and he gave me a brief glance. "The pack of crescent!" He called and they all clamored. "I have something to announce…" He started and everywhere went dead silent. "I have finally found my woman. My mate" he said, and everyone yelled, excitedly. I smiled when I saw some of them dancing and clapping to show how happy they were. "Come, Rachel" he called to me, and I gulped nervously before I went up to him. "Sit with me" he said, and I sat on the other throne which was beside him. "Everyone… Meet Rachel Sparks, your Luna Queen!" He declared and everyone made a loud yell, throwing their foreheads to the floor. Tears of happiness formed in my eyes. I couldn't say anything. I just watched, and allowed Brandon to do the work. "You might think a twenty-year-old Alpha King isn't worth it, but I promise to show you how capable I am. I'm also pleased to tell you my Luna will be by my side to guide me" He smiled, and they all applauded. One of the elders raised his arm to ask a question, and Brandon consented to him. "Your mate… Do you love her?" He asked, and I slowly looked at Brandon, whose face was almost turning pale. However, he was quick to give a brief smile. "Yes, I do. I do love her" he replied. "Then, I hope you follow one of the crucial mating processes soon", the elder added as he took his seat. "What do you mean?" I asked, saying a word for the first time there. "He means, he wants us to copulate", Brandon whispered, and I looked away. I was just nineteen, and I hadn't dated before, despite having many admirers around. Having s*x was something I had never thought of doing. I glanced at Brandon, wondering if he wanted that too. *** It was nightfall, and my parents were with me in my room. They had tears of joy in their eyes and they kept advising me. When they were done with everything and every word they had to say, they embraced me. I asked a slave to carry their things and escort them home. When they left, I closed the door and began to undress for a lighter and comfortable wear. Suddenly, the door opened, and I grabbed the bedding, covering my bare body with it. "Who's that?" I asked with a frown on my face. I turned to see Brandon and my expression turned blank. I felt nervous at that spot. Many thoughts on the reasons for his sudden appearance clouded my mind. "What are you doing here? You should have knocked?" I asked, feeling bashful. Brandon walked up to me and I moved backwards. I stopped when I felt my back against the wall. "It's your fault…" he whispered. "Huh" I mumbled, nonplussed by his statement. "I've been thinking about it and I still can't stop blaming you" he added, still whispering strongly with a hardened gaze. "I don't quite understand what you mean", I told him flatly and he growled. "It's your fault! You were the reason my parents died. If you weren't around, none of this would have happened! It was even a mistake to make you my mate! My mother made me do so… She asked me to promise her, and I can't stop regretting it. I don't think I can do this with you, never". He yelled with anger and sadness in his voice. "Brandon…" I called, calmly. "Guess what?" He smiled with a smirk, after cutting me off. I just raised my brows, amused. "Your parents are in danger. I sent someone to end their lives" "No… You… You can't" I stuttered, fearfully. "You shall have a taste of what you cost me." Brandon spat and made to leave. I hurriedly got on my knees and held his feet. "Please… Forgive me. Pardon me and help me. Don't hurt my parents. I will do anything you ask me to do, but please don't hurt them. Let them go" I pleaded, in surplus tears. "You will do as I ask?" He muttered, facing me. I swallowed hard and quietly nodded. "It's too late to reject you, since I have already made a declaration about you as my mate and the new Luna. Now, I want you to leave the pack" he said, with low grunts. "What?" I whispered, sniffling, and thought I didn't hear him well. He stared fixedly at me as if contemplating, then his baritone came beating the most unexpected thing I've ever heard. "Leave the crescent pack and never return. Only then, will I allow your parents to leave. Hurry now and make your choice or they die."
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