
Fated is overrated


*18+ content included!* also trigger warnings for sensitive topics

If you are looking for a story with a submissive, all-forgiving female lead, this is not the novel for you.


She smirks, before asking “do you like that, my little mate?”. I’m too far gone to even care about the “little” part now, all I want is her tongue back where it was a second ago. “Yes..” I manage to breathe out, before she licks it again, and shortly wraps her lips around my tip. F*ck. I moan, shivering when she pulls back. “Say please, my little mate” she taunts, her eyes still glued to mine and her hand still pleasuring me. “Please Lola” I breathe out. And just like that, she wraps her mouth around the tip, before taking in my c*ck until it hits the back of her throat. We both moan loudly, and I close my eyes momentarily in pure ecstasy. I almost whimper when she pulls it out again to say “look at me while I please you”. I comply immediately, and she grins before continuing her delicious torture. Her other hand moves to play with my balls and I know I’m not going to last long. I’m panting and moaning like a hot mess, when I hear Lola’s moaning increase.

I quickly avert my eyes back to Lola’s, not wanting to risk her to stop as I am so close to coming undone now. I can’t believe this is all happening. “I… I’m cumming” I croak out, when I feel I’m about to topple over. She pulls her mouth off, and immediately places my c*ck between her perfect breasts. Goddess this is hot. I move up and down slowly, as my c*m starts to cover her breasts. “F*ck you are perfect” I breathe out in between my pants and moans. Lola is moaning louder and louder, as she is probably on the verge as well.


Lola is an omega within the Red Dagger pack. She was found as a baby abandoned in the woods by her adoptive mother, who has long passed by now. Lola is not your typical submissive she wolf. She is sassy, with anger issues bubbling just beneath the surface. With her curvy body, blonde hair and green eyes she is the total opposite of all the other wolves appearance wise. And as a result, is treated like an outcast after her best friend Chris – the alpha heir – turns on her without warning as young children. Ignored by almost everyone and bullied and beaten by her former best friend and his gang daily, Lola long awaits the day and year she turns 18 when she gets her wolf and is able to finish high school to leave Red Dagger. All she has to do is withstand one more schoolyear of it all, despite the constant desire to fight back and the struggles to reign in her anger. But what happens when the bucket runs over and her restraint finally snaps? What happens when she faces off those who have tormented her for years, thinking she is a weak little girl, although she has been secretly training hard for years on her own?

As the story unfolds, she will come across those who desire her as well as her fated mates – the Lycan princes. Lola has never wanted a mate and after all betrayals is reluctant to trust anyone anymore – but will she let any of them in eventually? And what happens when her wolf is revealed and her origins are questioned when she gains special powers? Will she find her happy ever after with a mate, her fated mates, or stay alone?

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Lola POV Today is a special day, it is the first school day of my senior year. The year I turn 18 and also my last year I have to finish before I am finally legally old enough to go live on my own elsewhere and start my own life. There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, keeping me here in the Red Dagger pack. Nobody here even bothers to acknowledge my existence, as I am not originally from this pack. In fact, it is unknown where I originate from, I am worse than an orphan actually. My mother found me abandoned in the woods as a child and adopted me with her husband, nobody knew where I came from or how I was abandoned like trash in the woods. The only thing I had on me was a tiny piece of torn paper, only with my front name and a date on it, which we assume is my birthday. And yes, as you can tell I do not call the man my father, as he has never acted like one towards me anyway. Most people didn’t bother to interact with me because of that, except for my childhood best friend Chris – Alpha Culio’s son. We got along so well it was uncanny, the Alpha’s son and the abandoned little orphan. But we didn’t care, we got into a lot of mischief together as young kids. That is up until the point his mother, Luna Helen, left our pack. Alpha Culio and Chris hadn’t been seen out in the open for a few weeks after that and everyone always wondered what had happened. But the story was never told to the public and nobody was allowed to talk about the matter. Chris’ entire demeanor changed after his mother left, he became cold and distant and never hung out with me anymore. I tried on several occasions to talk to him about it but he wouldn’t budge and I barely got to speak to him at all anymore. I almost felt like I was the plague he needed to avoid in order to survive. Although I was already used to feeling abandoned and disregarded and this had hardened me quite a lot already, this one really did sting. But as my mother always used to say “things happen for a reason honey. Dust off and try again”. And so I did. Well, not the try again part in terms of friendships that is. I only had 1 other friend, Nadia, and I would like to keep it that way honestly. Her (twin)brother Jason was also a really nice guy and they are the only two people I actually hang out with, I guess you could consider him my second friend. My relationships with other wolves so far isn’t the best, which is why I cannot wait to finish this year and get out of here. Where to I don’t know yet, but I’ll figure everything out as I have been doing ever since my mother passed when I was 10. My mother was without a doubt the most kind hearted soul anyone could ever think of. She was the type of person who would receive a punch and tell the assailant sorry for hurting their knuckles, she was way too kind for this world. Seeing her kindness getting abused over and over made me all that much more hardened and in search of righteousness. I grew to be the complete opposite of my mother, bitter and unforgiving with a sharp tongue. If my tormentors didn’t out strengthen or outnumber me, I would gladly hand them their asses. My sharp tongue had already ended me in trouble quite a few times in school and in the pack actually, and I had to really put in a huge effort to learn to walk away more from situations. As a female you always draw the short stick in the werewolf world. Men are considered stronger, more valuable and strut around like women just have to sit there and be pretty. Plan some parties, make pups and raise them. And by all means, never ever talk back to a man. This is where I would go wrong in the past and why I will move to the human world after this year. Just one more year I have to hold on, bite my tongue, and then I will finally be free. Heading in to the school hallway I feel light as a feather. I like school actually. Besides the bullying that is, but I have learned to ignore it. I am a straight A student and I want to maximize my chances in the human world after this year, so I make sure to put my best efforts in to school. All of a sudden I feel someone bump into me, looking up into the brown hazel eyes of the dark haired girl, I realize Nadia bumped me deliberately while simultaneously yelling “LOLA!”. I laugh at my overly excited BFF before responding to her greetings. Nadia and I luckily have a few classes together each day, and in some of our classes Jason is also present. While we are walking towards our first class together we walk past Chris and his gang of “cool” friends, together with all the she wolves shamelessly offering themselves to him, how utterly pathetic and disgusting I think, while a “yugh!” escapes my lip. I know Chris is considered handsome by everyone in this entire pack, with his dark hair, sparkling blue eyes, strong jawline and his huge chiseled body. I however find his personality way too off-putting to even remotely think of him as handsome. As far as I am concerned, he is as ugly as can be. He is known to use women only for his own pleasure and yet these women continue to throw themselves willingly at his feet to be used, it’s disgusting and degrading. And for all of the women he deems to be too ugly to take advantage of (me included) he doesn’t hesitate to let them know and “put them in their place” as he likes to call it. Us “ugly and fat” girls just call this downright bullying. But whatever, I will be gone after this school year.

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