Dana POV
“Are you excited?” Nova breathed into my ear, causing me to jump, almost dropping the glass I was holding, as I hastily placed it in front of the customer, my cheeks beginning to flame bright red in embarrassment.
“Nova” I hissed at my best friend who blinked innocently at me. “Can we not talk about this in front of the paying customers,” I nodded at the few still lingering in the bar, clutching at their drinks, their heads bowed low, the music playing forlornly in the background.
It was a typical nightly sight at the bar, unfortunately.
Nova snorted “None of them are paying a single whit of attention to you,” she said bluntly, as I moved to clear a table, “they’re all too drunk off their faces to give a damn” she added gleefully, folding her arms across her chest and shaking her head, her black bob bouncing slightly with the movement.
I glanced around the bar uneasily, but Nova was correct. None of the few stragglers that were left at this time of night were paying us any close attention. We could have been dancing on the tables for all they cared. I sighed, putting down some dirty glasses on the counter.
“Still” I mumbled, avoiding her eyes, “It’s not something I would like to announce to the general public”, I huffed.
She grinned “But it’s a big deal for you,” she said, peering into my brown eyes and slightly widening her own. "This is your what? Six-month anniversary” she pressed, “that’s the longest that you’ve ever been with anyone. Well, besides me” she amended quickly, “it has to be a new record of some kind.”
I glared at her “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, it’s our six-month anniversary”. I bit my lip “And I was planning on making tonight special, but now I’m not so sure.” My shoulders slumped “I mean, he’s probably not expecting it but…” my voice trailed off as doubts began to set in once again. Why was it so hard to be confident about something like this? Jackson had been pestering me to do this for months, so it's not as though I knew he wouldn't enjoy it. I was the one who was uncertain about the whole thing.
Nova’s eyes narrowed. “Just make sure you are doing this for you and not him. It’s not something you can take back, Dana” she advised me, a far-off look in her eyes. “Trust me, a lot of us regret our first time and wish we could.”
“But, what if I?” I gestured at myself, at my curves, my breasts straining against the tight fabric of my uniform, my hips protruding in the skirt, my lower lip quivering as I began to feel the fear that was always in the back of my mind. “What if I don’t…”
“Don’t even go there” Nova’s voice was solemn as she put a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t even think about it. You are beautiful” she said, peering deeply into my eyes as I gave a small smile “And this gift that you’re thinking about giving him,” she said slightly sarcastically, causing me to giggle, “is more precious than anything else. So he better damn appreciate it” she scoffed, running a hand through her hair, mussing it up slightly “else I’ll have something to say to the bastard”, she threatened.
I made a strangled sound. "I don’t think there would be much you could do, Nova."
Although she was tiny, Nova was fierce and overprotective of me. We had been friends since I had started working at this bar, and we’d grown close to the point that we were practically like sisters. I had always wanted a sister or a brother growing up and now with Nova, I felt like I had one.
"Oh, trust me,” Nova said ominously, “There is plenty I can do.”
I laughed, grabbed the glasses, and took them around to the kitchen, placing them carefully into the dirty dishwasher and coming back out.
“I want all the dirty details too” Nova said, leaning on the counter and studying her nails, an expectant look on her face “I don’t have a s*x life right now, so I’m living vicariously through you” she deadpanned.
“Nova” I blushed while she laughed out loud.
“What?” she shrugged “Losing your virginity to the man you love is a really big deal, Dana. You’ve kept it all these years, and you’re what” she paused, looking at me thoughtfully, “twenty-six?” she hazarded a guess.
“Twenty-seven” I admitted lowly, feeling ashamed, “and I just haven’t met the right guy up until now, that’s all” I insisted, “not to mention it’s difficult to meet anyone when you grow up in nothing but foster homes for most of your life,” I added with a sigh.
My life had consisted of nothing but endless foster homes for as long as I could remember, flitting from one home to the next, constantly packing my bag and emptying it, only to redo the whole process over and over again. It had been a lonely childhood. It was hard to have friends when you didn’t know if you would be leaving that day, the next, or sometime soon in the future and I had learned the hard way that it was better not to get attached to anyone. It made leaving easier for me. I used to dream of having a family adopt me one day, but that had never happened, and I had learned to become independent, finding myself out on the streets the moment I had turned eighteen. I was a survivor, something that seemed to impress Nova, who constantly marveled at it. To me, it was no big deal, but to her, it was something she had a hard time fathoming, coming from a privileged background.
“Yes, well, now you have me”. Nova tweaked my nose, making me give a startled laugh “And we have each other.”
She looked at the drunk patrons and wrinkled her nose. “Not to mention the regulars who come past this place and like to visit us.”
“There is that,” I said dryly, meeting her eyes and feeling mischievous “How on earth could I possibly want to give up all of this?” I cracked, gesturing with my hands, and saw her chuckle.
“One day you’ll start a bakery, just like you’ve always wanted” Nova’s voice was filled with confidence as I began to wipe down the counter. “Your cakes and sweets are too good not to share with the world” she insisted, “who knows maybe you’ll marry Jackson and start up a business” she exclaimed brightly.
I gave her a look. “I thought you didn’t like Jackson?” I said wryly.
She tapped her fingernails on the countertop. “I might not like him, but you do, and since we are friends that’s all that should matter.”
The clock began to chime as it reached the hour of nine pm. We glanced at each other, even as the staff taking over began to take our places, Nova and I grabbed our coats. We walked outside, Nova giving me a warm hug.
“Good luck for tonight” she whispered and glanced at her watch “Does he know you’re coming home early?” she added, wrinkling her brow and looking at me questioningly.
“He doesn’t know I switched shifts. I’m keeping it a surprise”, I told her, beginning to walk. “I have a quick pitstop to make, and then I’m heading home. By tomorrow, I’ll have lost the one thing that’s been a source of contention between the two of us for so long. He can finally stop complaining that we haven’t slept together yet.”
Although part of me felt like that shouldn't be a reason to be giving it to him in the first place, a small voice inside my head protested against it as I did my best to tune it out.
Nova gave a wave, turning to head in the opposite direction. “Best wishes” she yelled, as I headed towards my car. "May it be everything that your little heart dreams of” she giggled.
I laughed and waved. I had visions of fairytales and Prince Charming in my head, humming lightly under my breath as I got into my car and started the engine. My shift was over but tonight was only just beginning. I couldn’t wait for the rest of the night to start. Unfortunately, I could never have anticipated what was to happen next or that my dreams were about to be smashed into a million pieces. I should have known that there was no such thing as Prince Charming and that somebody like me would never get a happy ending. Life doesn't work that way. At least, not for me.