Chapter 9: A Date With Kaspen

1899 Words
I thought a lot about going on a date with Kaspen. When I was on my date with Nick I thought about Kaspen. When I was on my date with Jonas I thought about Kaspen. On my date with Kaspen, what will I think of? Kaspen was stuck in my head and maybe finally spending a whole day with him would get him out of it. I spent all yesterday with Josie to make up for the two days before that. Today was for Kaspen and it was also the day to tell Kaspen about our daughter. Then I won’t have to hide Josie away in my room. I left my room and I walked down to the first floor. I was lucky enough to see Kaspen on his way out. I rushed to him. “Kas!” I called out. He stopped walking and turned to me. “Hey beautiful.” his eyes peered into mine “Remember when I said we should catch up?” I asked. “Let’s do something together now. For all I know, maybe you are my mate.” “You’re letting me prove to you that I’m your mate and not Nicholas?” His interest was sparked. “Or Jonas.” “Jonas?” He lifted an eyebrow “He said he was my mate when we met.” “He’s lying,” Kaspen said. “Where do you want to catch up?” “I think I want to stay here unless you need to leave,” I replied. “I wasn’t in a hurry. Lead the way.” I led us to the lounge and sat in a far corner away from everyone else with Kaspen. “You’re the only one who didn’t tell me as soon as we met. It’s not looking good for you,” I baited. “I thought you felt the bond too so I didn’t think it needed to be said until recently,” he began to spill his explanation. “When I told you I was Monroe I didn’t even tell you I was a werewolf. It would have been a lot of explaining. We were having such a good time. In the morning maybe I could have explained it but you already didn’t want to come with me. I didn’t want to use us being mates as a way to manipulate you into coming with me.” It made sense… ”If I can prove that I’m perfect for you then you’ll be my Luna?” “Um, I'm not guaranteeing that. Right now I just need to know. If you’re my mate then I won’t see your brother or Jonas at all.” I couldn’t tell him the real reason. “What if you think one of them is your mate? Will you be with them?” “I don’t know about that yet. I want to be my happiest but I don't know if I should be with anyone,” I said truthfully. “It’s not bad to figure it out as you go,” I felt the eyes of everyone in the lounge were glued to us despite the fact that they couldn’t hear us. “Let’s go somewhere more private but public.” I stood up. A deep laugh rolled out of Kaspen. “You don’t want to be alone with me in a room?” he challenged. “That’s not in,” I lied and traveled to the door on foot He got up and followed after me. I walked out of the packhouse. “Is there a lake or something nearby?” I asked. “There’s a hiking trail you might like.” “Wow are you offering to give me a piggyback ride on the hiking trail?” “No but I will, you’re so small I wouldn’t even feel much,” he joked and kneeled down. I climbed onto his back before he stood up. I rested my head on his shoulder until we got to the hiking trail. “Did you threaten to kick Nick out of the pack if he doesn’t stay away from me?” I asked. He sighed and didn’t answer. “Kaspen, why would you do that?” “Trust me, my wolf wanted to do a lot worse than a threat. Yue.” He sighed. “I wish you could feel what I feel, especially now with the contact we’re making. You’re not sure who your mate really is but I am. I know you’re my mate and I know Nick is lying to you. I don’t know why Jonas would but he is too.” All three of them were claiming that the others were lying. “I told Nick if he got kicked out then I would go with him. I’d feel too guilty for being the reason he’s kicked out,” I explained. He didn’t say anything. The hiking trail was beautiful. He was right that I would like it. We talked about simple things while he carried me up and down the trail. When we walked enough of the trail he put me down and we sat under a tree. “You haven’t told anyone that I was raised a hunter right?” “Only Autumn, but she won’t tell anyone. If don’t want anyone else to know then no one else will. Anything for my Luna,” he said. “Stop being weird Kas.” “You’re not used to getting affection or being affectionate.” “What?” I asked. “That’s why we’re always insulting each other.” “No, insult is a heavy word. It’s banter, I’m a little witty and you’re an easy target. Your comebacks are always a little stale if you ask me.” “You can’t handle sincerity,” he argued. “It’s not that serious, we like to mess around a little. I’m plenty affectionate with Josie.” “That’s because maternal and paternal affection is a lot easier for most people.” He stared into my eyes. “Look at me and say something nice.” “You have really nice hair,” I paused. “Now all you have to do is learn how to brush it.” I pressed my lips together to hold back a laugh. “Hm, I’ll go,” he said. “I don’t think I’ve gone a day without a thought of you since our night at the hotel.” My grin from trying not to laugh dropped.I looked away as my desire rose like it did that night. “Yeah, I thought about you a lot too.” “Look at me,” Kaspen whispered. I gave him our eye contact back. “I told you already that night was incredible, I’m sure my moans also made that obvious.” “Not just the s*x,” he clarified. “Everything leading up to it too baby. The smile on your face when we played arcade games. The way you’d jump when you saw something you wanted to do with me. The smirk you’d give when you’d win. The banter of course and everything else about you. I still love everything about you.” I stood up and started walking as I said, “You don’t know everything about me, Kas.” “I know enough about my sweet Luna.” He was right before, I wasn’t sure how to process his affectionate words. Delrose didn’t show affection. It was hard to remember the affection of my family even though I tried to hold on to it. I wasn’t close to anyone after my family died so I haven’t received any love from anyone but Josie. She’s only recently been speaking more so when she tells me she loves me that even makes me emotional. He followed me but frustration surged through me. “I’ve killed your kind,” I confessed after I abruptly halted and turned to him. My breathing quickened “You weren’t the most successful hunter,” he said to compliment his disbelief. “You weren’t even really a hunter. Do you mean the woman you lived with killed wolves and that you assisted her? Was she your family?” He took a few steps closer to me. “No,” my voice cracked. “The last family I had was my aunt Lily. She died when I was ten and the hunter took me in and raised me for five years,” a stream of memories and emotions washed over me. “I've led wolves to their death with traps she taught me to set. I set half those traps myself for a few years. I’ve also killed wolves by my own hand.” Tears chased each other down my cheeks. “That… is upsetting but you were a child.” “I don’t know if fifteen constitutes a child.” I slammed my eyes closed so I wouldn’t have to look at him anymore. His expression before was too kind and forgiving. “I knew what I was doing but I was only prioritizing my own survival,” my voice grew in pitch as my emotions rose. I was worried about keeping the promise I made to Aunt Lily. “Fifteen is a child. You didn’t send me to my death so you weren’t only prioritizing your survival,” I felt his hand as it crept onto my cheek. “You’re a loving woman Yue. You were put in the position by someone who had authority over you.” He wrapped me into a hug, absorbing my sadness in a way no one else could achieve. “There’s so much I have to tell you.” My bottom lip quivered until I pressed my face against him. “I’m here to listen.” I let the tears escape. I couldn't hold it together anymore. “It wasn’t magic… Delrose didn’t suppress my shifter side with magic. I don’t get it… what else could it be?? Is there something wrong with me…?” “There’s nothing wrong with you baby,” his voice was thick. After all that time we spent together I couldn't manage to tell him about our daughter. When I got back he offered to stay with me but I needed to get back to our daughter. I was about to pass Maya in the hall but she stopped me. “Oh hey.” I forced a smile. “So? You spent time with each of them, which one was chosen for you?” Maya asked. “I don’t know…” My gaze shifted away from her. “Kaspen has an unfair advantage.” “Maybe for a reason,” Maya suggested before I went to my room. I spent the rest of the day with Josie. In the morning went by Kaspen’s office. “Hey, I wanted to thank you for yesterday. It… um… w-well,” I couldn’t structure my sentence. Kaspen moved closer to me. I felt his hand on my waist. “If I’m making you uncomfortable then tell me.” He whispered in my ear but he wasn’t. We were only a moment away from kissing and I might have let him but I had to say this, “We have a daughter.” I felt something. My first thought was, ‘could this be the mate bond?’
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