The Alpha´s Bodyguard

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Gold Moon Pack House, Falinni Family Residence Present I arrived at the Falinni residence with my head held high, undaunted by the mansion's imposing façade. I got out of the taxi and reviewed the ad that had caught my attention two days earlier. I had heeded the redhead’s advice at the farewell party and started reading Harmony's blog, where all the minutiae of the Gold Moon pack were detailed. Alessandro Falinni, the newly appointed Alpha of the most prestigious pack in the kingdom, was looking for a bodyguard. Interested candidates could present themselves at the pack house to take the Alpha’s demanding test. Those who were weak of character, without guts, and reluctant to face the toughest physical demands could save themselves the suffering and the Alpha's time, as he would personally oversee the selection. It was the perfect position for me. Marine Corps Recruitment Office 5 years before the present events I left the pack's territory and left behind everything related to the life and world of werewolves, except for Harmony’s blog, an inveterate gossip who had access to the detailed information of the Gold Moon pack's social happenings, as well as a great talent for storytelling. Her blog would be, henceforth, the only link I would retain with the cause of my misfortune. “Is this your first time here, miss?” asked the rough man in uniform. “Yes, it is my first time here.” “Age?” “Eighteen, sir.” “Fill out the form, present your documents, and prepare for the medical exam. Next.” I decided to enlist in the Marine Corps after having renounced the scholarship offered by the hypocritical Alpha of Gold Moon. The military would be the ideal place to forget about the world of werewolves, packs, and the kingdom of which I was a subject of the lowest level. Everyone could go to hell. From that moment on, I would lead a life as if I had been born human. Gold Moon Pack House Patio, Falinni Family Residence Present “Name and age,” asked the Alpha’s Beta, a woman named Valery who was everything I had already projected her to be: determined, brave, loyal to her lord, athletic, and very attractive. “Cindy Smith. Twenty-three.” Valery looked me in the eyes after surveying my body, covered only with the underwear I was wearing that day. “Alright, Cindy. The first test for the bodyguard position is at the shooting range, with various types of automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Any questions before we start?” “Do I have to shoot while in my underwear?” Valery snorted. “Of course not. Before entering, you will need to dress in the overalls they will give you at the entrance.” I pursed my lips. “That’s a shame. I prefer shooting with little clothing.” “If you really want the job, you’ll have to forget about the lame jokes. The Alpha can't stand them.” I nodded and went to the entrance of the shooting range, where I was given the overalls Valery mentioned, along with the first of the automatic pistols. The whistle blew, and in front of me appeared the silhouettes of several criminals interspersed with innocent civilians. I took off all their heads. The criminals', of course, without even grazing the innocent civilians’ bodies. “You did it in record time,” commented Valery. “Keep it up, and you’ll break all the records.” I didn’t disappoint her, and the bullets from my weapon hit all the targets between the eyes, even the farthest ones, leaving aside the silhouettes that should not take a single hit. “Do you have military training, Cindy?” asked the Beta. “Marine Corps. Four years.” “I suspected as much. You’ve been excellent, but don’t get excited. There’s still a lot left before this is over.” I expected nothing less from what promised to be a tough test. With a satisfied smile, I waited for Valery to indicate what was next. Marine Corps Barracks 4 years before the present events “Who the hell are you?” Sergeant Stewart snapped when he took me aside from the other marines. “What do you mean, sir? I’m Private First Class Ivania...” “No, stop that already. I asked who you really are, not what you've been pretending to be here, in my unit, with my platoon, on my damn base.” I looked the sergeant, my superior for the first year of training, and the person I had the most respect for in my life, straight in the eyes. “I’m afraid I still don’t understand, sir,” I responded with a little less determination, suspecting what he really wanted to hear from my lips. “Ivania, I think you haven’t understood, but it’s no coincidence that you stand out so much above the average level of the other marines, do you understand?” I remained silent. I waited for him to speak. “I...” The sergeant sighed and looked around. He only spoke again after making sure no one was listening or observing us. “I’m also one of our kind, am I clear? I recognize one of ours, but you have been, until now, a mystery to me. How is it that you don’t have a wolf, soldier?” I clenched my jaw to avoid revealing my perplexity. I had been discovered, and no less than by a rogue, because that must be what Sergeant Stewart was, an exile, although I was not much different from him. I was also an exile, only by my own choice. “I don't have it, it’s that simple, sir. When I came of age, it didn’t manifest, that’s all.” Sergeant Stewart didn't seem yet convinced by my response and hardened his gaze. “Are you pulling my leg, soldier? Your skills, your abilities, I’ve been observing you since I became your superior and took charge of training you. You’re not...” He looked around again before continuing. “You’re not an ordinary wolf, damn it, you’re powerful, even without a wolf.” That was new to me. “I’m an omega, sir. I can’t be more powerful than anything more than a common human. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I whispered, adapting to his tone. “Then figure it out, damn it, Ivania. You don’t have the power of an omega, you’re not fooling me. You’re much more powerful than that, do you understand? Who are your parents? I looked at your records and saw you declared you’re an orphan, but I don’t believe it.” “Well, it’s the truth, sir. I am. I’m an orphan. If you're so interested, you can check my past at the Gold Moon pack orphanage.” “Then you’re the one who should go there and start digging into your past, because you’re not an ordinary omega, and that thing about not having a wolf... damn it, I don’t know how to explain that, but there must be a reason why you’re so powerful and still don’t have it.” An officer approached and passed by us. He asked if everything was alright, and we nodded. The sergeant walked away immediately, and I stayed there, with the doubts he had awakened swirling in my head. I would start investigating, even if it meant returning to the place I had fled from. Gold Moon Pack House Patio, Falinni Family Residence Present The subsequent tests were nothing more than a walk in the park for my abilities, which I had discovered some time ago, after my conversation with Sergeant Stewart. “It’s impressive, Cindy. No one had achieved a perfect score in the tests,” admitted Valery while reviewing the scores. “Only the final interview with the Alpha remains. He will decide whether or not you become his bodyguard.” I took a breath, not because I needed it after the demanding physical tests I had undergone, but because of the mention of Alessandro. I would now face him, after five years since our last conversation, in the restaurant whose name was etched in my memory. D’Aggio. I had changed so much that I doubted he could recognize me, even if I were right in front of him, especially since I had now trained my abilities not only to hide my wolf—whom I had recovered—at will, but also to play with his mind, make him see illusions or anything I wanted him to see. Alessandro might be the Alpha of the Falinni pack. And I had believed myself to be an omega. But no. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was a lycan. An Alpha class one. I was the king lycan’s niece and had returned to Gold Moon seeking revenge. And, within the next hour, I would be the Alpha’s bodyguard.
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