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The next day as promised, madam Emily came to class on time and to everyone's surprise, she directly appointed Faith as the class representative while a boy by the name Adam as the class assistant. Immediately Sheilla knew that her good days were far off. She had to brace herself for the future tyrannical behavior of her class representative. After the class representative endorsement, madam Emily went straight to the subject matter of the day and started to introduce the students to the subject that she was to teach them. The reception was really to her liking. The students didn't cause any trouble. After the lesson was over, she summoned the class representatives to her office in order to assign them some tasks. At the same time, Sheilla took out her geography book in preparation for the next lesson. The rest of the day went smoothly without a hitch and Sheilla felt refreshed. But again,in the noontime, the same thing happened. Faith and her ass-kissers came for her meal once more. At the same time, they threatened her that if she told anyone about her being bullied by them, they'll immediately retaliate and make her even more miserable. Sheilla being timid as usual, didn't dare to do anything as stupid as that. In the evening after the evening study time was over, Sheilla lonely went to the dormitory to take shower. What she didn't expect was that once she entered the dormitory, her body was soon drenched with smelly sewerage water! Before she could realize what was going on, she heard snickering sneers from within her cubical. She at a loss of what to do. " Yo! isn't this the genius Sheilla? What happened to you my dear sister? Faith asked in a mocking tone and her words were followed up by heartfelt laughter from ass-kissers. Sheilla felt like eating someone. But she held her anger in and went to the bathroom to wash up. The whole episode was something that Faith and her crew had propagated in secret in order to make fun of Sheilla. She had ordered her cronies to attach a bucket full of dirty water on the top bar of the cube's door. a string had been attached to it and tied on the doorframe so that when Sheilla happened to push the door, she would inadvertently trigger the overflow! Sheilla silently cried while washing her drenched body and clothes. She could still hear bell like laughter coming in through the gaps of the doorframe. This excited her even more. She stayed in the washroom for a long time to wait for the people in cubicle to sleep. Her life was really pitiful. She really thought of exchanging schools but it so happened that her parents weren't that affluent. There's nothing else she could do about it but to endure. Since then, she developed a character of hiding far away whenever she saw Faith. She suffered in silence for four consecutive highschool years! Eventually, when she sat for her national examination,she released a sigh of relief.But her happiness didn't last for long. Faith sauntered to her and with a 'flattering' smile,asked,"Hello Miss, can you please help me during the examination period with exam leakage?" Sheilla was surprised. This was the first time that she had heard such words coming from her nemesis. But when she turned around to look at the person who was talking to her, she was met with a deathly stare that told her that the demoness meant to order her around! She had to lower her head in fright and timidly said," Sure!" 'That's more like it. Now,take this roll of tissue papers and do the necessary or else...?' Faith gazed at her in a domineering manner before disappearing. The examination period was over in a heartbeat and soon,the students were sent off for a long holiday as they await their results. During that period, Sheilla had done everything possible to ensure that she satisfied Faith in all possible inexplicable ways. Soon after, she knew that she would get rid of her when she goes for her university studies in the city. Most of the students were pessimistic about their examination performance and directly went home knowing too well that they wouldn't have anything to show for it. Sheilla was pretty sure that she would surely get a high score that would enable to enroll in a prestigious university in Nairobi City. She already had a dream school in mind. She dreamt of joining Skydivers School of Aviation. Yes, she wanted to be a pilot and engineer those huge metallic air birds. She had always admired how the pilots piloted those aeroplanes and she yearned for the day that she too would be in the cockpit doing the same. She knew too well that this might remain to be a fantasy dream if she didn't performe as per the expectations. She also knew that she couldn't depend on her poor parents to pay for her university academic fees and other personal effectives. She was also planning on starting doing a part time job/ jobs in order to cater for her allowances. In addition to this, she also knew that the schools she chose during the universe course selection were all big ones that catered for spoiled rich kids. As such, she knew that her only reliance will be on obtaining a scholarship. She had forgotten that Faith had also chosen the same schools as her in order to continue pestering her for the sake of the fun of it! Actually, Faith is a total academic dumbass who couldn't tell the difference between a fuse and a wire and yet she chose piloting!!. But this has to be left for the future. When Sheilla got home, she happily hugged her parents who had come to receive her at the gate. "Darling,how was school? Were you bullied? How were the studies? Which games did you participate in?" Her mother threw a lot of questions the moment she saw her. It has to be understood that ever since she had joined highschool, Sheilla had stayed in school for four consecutive years without going home. The only form of communication between her and her parents was via occasionally phone calls. Therefore,it can be understood how much her mother missed her. "Hey, your daughter is so tired after studying hard. Do you want to make her fear you. Let our daughter get a good rest at home before you can throw such questions at her,ok?" Mr. Disi, Sheilla's dad, teasingly reminded his wife. 'Ok!Ok! Look at me! I forgot that. My good daughter, I hope you aren't offended,are you? Quick quick,let's get you home for a rest.' The family of three made their way into the house and Sheilla went to her room under the constant urging of her father and mother. Getting into her room, Sheilla finally felt at home. She had regarded her school as her home far away from home. She had thought that it would take her long before she could see her house again. Who knew that the four years would just flash by in the blink of an eye? She rested for a while before going to the dining room where a village sumptuous meal had been prepared by her mother. She sat down and started delving into the food as she occasionally chatted with her parents in between mouthfuls of food. The family was really happy. If one were to pass by their house,he or she would think it was new year. All the questions that her parents had were answered. She also enquired of their wellbeing. Hearing that everything was good,she grinned with happiness. Such was the happiness that each and every family yearned for but not easily gotten.

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