
2087 Words
Chaos POV Our journey fell into a heavy silence as we moved forward, maintaining a safe distance. "She is scared," Blade insisted in my mind. "I know, but she is brave. She could run home, yet she continues on," I admitted to him. As I walked, I suddenly felt a strange sensation under my feet, causing me to stop and inspect it. It was a door, and I sensed no one around. If it was a shelter, it might be a good place to rest for the night. "I found something," I whispered to Skye, pointing towards the door. She froze, her expression unreadable. "I can go down and see if it is a safe place to rest," I suggested. "I can make us a shelter," she responded. I didn't want her to exhaust herself using power to hide us. "I'll be fast," I assured her, opening the door to reveal a ladder leading underground. I reminded myself to be cautious of traps as I descended. Luckily, I could see well in the dark. It appeared to be an abandoned underground hideout, complete with furnishings. It was evident that no one had been down here for a long time. Though there were signs of fire damage, it was still a decent hiding place. I ascended back up and informed Skye, "It's safe. Let me help you down." She hesitated once again. "I can climb down," she finally said, following me and closing the door behind us. Once we were both underground, Skye handed me a flashlight. I noticed that she kept her eyes fixated on the ground. "Is everything okay?" I asked, a tinge of worry in my voice. It was difficult to gauge her exact emotions..If only I could mark her, it would help, but I couldn't. "The day is just catching up to me. I guess I'm a little tired," she admitted. "Then take a seat. This place has furniture," I said, pointing towards a worn couch. Without saying a word, Skye complied and pulled out a lantern from her backpack, illuminating the room. "I'm going to see if I can find anything down here that might be helpful. I won't go far," I explained, and she simply nodded her head as I left. I walked cautiously through the area, the beam of the flashlight cutting through the darkness. The air was musty. As I navigated through the trees, I stumbled upon a hidden area filled with rows of old files. I couldn't help but wonder about the purpose of such a place in the middle of a forrest. Curiosity consumed me, and I opened a few of the files. To my disappointment, most of them were written in a language I couldn't comprehend - Fae. Frustrated, I placed one of the files back on the stack, but as I did, a photo slipped out and landed in my hand. I picked it up, my fingers grazing the smooth surface. It depicted a small child, and at first, I considered discarding it. However, something caught my eye - a small star-shaped mark on the child's forehead. Intrigued, I studied the photo closely, noticing more and more similarities between the child and Skye. Driven by a growing sense of unease, I delved deeper into the files, desperately searching for more clues. The words were mostly incomprehensible to me, fragments of meaning lost in the jumble. But one thing was clear - the child was being described as an object, restrained in some way. A sickening feeling churned in my gut. Was this the reason behind Skye's strange behavior? Had she been here before? And where had I brought her? Abruptly, I dropped the files, except for one photo, and hurriedly made my way back to Skye. I found her on the couch, huddled with her head on her knees, mirroring the posture she had in the cave. Without needing to sense her emotions, I could tell she was terrified. Anger surged within me, directed not at her, but at whatever had happened to her in this place. It had played a part in her past, and I was certain of it. "I'm getting you out of here," I declared. "It's fine, you're right. It's a safe place to stay," she spoke, her voice quivering as she fought back tears. I could hear the raw emotion in her voice. Slowly, she rose to her feet, her gaze immediately drawn to the photo I had brought along. "So you know," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "All I know is that this is not your first time here," I admitted. "I don't remember much of this place. I was just a small child when my adopted parents found me here. It's a mix of good and bad memories for me. I never thought I would return here again. Perhaps fate wanted me to confront it, to find closure. It may not be the most comfortable place, but at least it offers us a safe haven to sleep. I'm amazed it's still standing, considering it was engulfed in flames the last time I saw it. Jade must have had it fixed." she confessed. "If it's alright, I really don't want to talk about it right now," she admitted to me. "I promise I will with you at some point, I'm just not ready yet." "I understand," I reassured her, my voice gentle. "I won't push you. There are many things I would prefer not to talk about or relive in my memories as well. But if you're not comfortable down here, Skye, let's leave. I know all too well the feeling of being somewhere you don't want to be." She nodded her head in agreement. "Okay then, I would like to leave," she responded, her voice filled with relief. I led the way, taking a few steps up the ladder. But then, I caught onto several different scents. Three were recognizable—Rook, Malachi, and Talon. However, they were not alone. There were at least four others with them. Quickly, I put my finger to my lips, signaling for Skye to be silent. She understood, and we quietly made our way back down. "I'm sorry," I whispered to her. "Looks like it's not safe right now. I may be able to take them all on, but I can't guarantee it." "We stay here until it's clear. The door is already blocked; I made sure of it when we came down," Skye explained. She moved her hand against the wall and clicked a switch, illuminating the place. "Luckily, these places run off fae magic, so we should have light and water. Meaning there's a shower. I guess maybe it's a good thing we stumbled upon this place. You need rest, Chaos, especially since your neck still needs to heal. This place served as a home once. And I have some more of my brother's clothing in my bag. Let me grab them for you." She dug through her backpack, the rustling of fabric filling the air. "Sorry, I did not trigger the lights before. I wasn't ready to see much of this place. But surprisingly, I actually feel better now," she admitted, her voice tinged with gratitude. "I really do appreciate your willingness to leave when you noticed I was uncomfortable. I should have said something right away." As she continued to dig through her bag, she pulled out a shirt. "How does that small bag fit so much?" I couldn't help but exclaim, marveling at the unexpected abundance within her seemingly ordinary backpack. "It's a dragon bag," she explained. "They are spelled and fit many things yet are light," she continued. "I have lots of supplies, food rations that I'll get out for us," she said. "I also have fae currency. I'll help you get new clothing," she promised. "I'll find a way to pay you back," I said. "Traveling with me is enough," she responded, her voice filled with warmth. "Thanks," I said, my gratitude spilling into the air. I could feel a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips, a moment of happiness amidst the uncertainty. As she handed me the shirt, her brothers' scent wafted towards me, strong yet now familiar. I could sense the significance of that scent to her, the memories and emotions it held. It no longer bothered me. She then handed me a towel and a few small bottles. I looked them over, unsure of their purpose. "Shampoo and soap," she explained. "I have an extra toothbrush as well," she added. "I think this is Mate's way of saying we stink," Blade commented in my mind, his voice laced with humor. I could almost hear the playful tone in his words, a shared understanding between us. "I think it's just who she is," I responded back in my mind, my thoughts filled with fondness. I looked for the washroom and finally found it, but I also did not want to leave Skye alone. "Do you want to join me?" I offered. The words slipped from my mouth before I could fully comprehend their implications. "I-I think I'll be okay waiting out here," she stammered. I went inside to freshen up, moving quickly as I didn't want to leave her alone for too long, especially with those who were searching for her. When I returned, she greeted me with a grateful smile. The sensation of a real, refreshing shower had become a distant memory since my time in prison, where we were only given buckets of water. She disappeared into the bathroom herself, and seizing the opportunity, I quickly surveyed the surroundings. The hideout had several rooms, some furnished with beds. I found one that appeared untouched and placed Skye's backpack there. The couch just outside the room would suffice for me. I returned to wait for her. After a while, she emerged from the bathroom, her hair still damp from being towel-dried. She wore a halter top nightdress adorned with black stars, accentuating her figure perfectly. I averted my gaze, fighting the urge to lose control around her. When I looked at her face, I noticed a flush, not from the hot water, but as if she felt slightly unwell. "I'll get you some food rations, but I think I need to lie down," she admitted, and I stood up to lead her to the room I had found. She rummaged through her bag and handed me some food. "You should eat too," I suggested. "I will, but I think I may have exhausted myself. I don't often use my earth power, and I've used it several times," she confessed, and I nodded in understanding. "I don't think this room has ever been used," I remarked, noticing the absence of any lingering scents on the bed. "I'll be right outside on the couch if you need me," I explained to her. As I settled on the couch, hoping she would finally get the rest she needed, Blade's voice growled in my mind, "We should be in there with her." I disagreed, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. "If she asks me to go in, I will," I replied, reasoning with him mentally. "It's not our nature to hold back, her scent is stronger," Blade explained, trying to sway me. "She showered, that's why her scent is stronger." I responded. Leaning back on the couch, I eventually drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, my lycan instincts jolted me awake. "Something is wrong with our mate," Blade growled, his urgency evident. If I could shift or if he had the ability to take control of me, I'm sure he would have. I heard a moan of pain emanating from her room. Without hesitation, I got up and knocked on the door. No response. Concerned, I let myself in. The star on her head glowed faintly as she tossed and turned above the covers, still asleep. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I was cautious not to make things worse. Fearful of causing discomfort, I gently applied pressure only to her dress as I attempted to wake her. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a brightness that captivated me. Our gazes locked, a moment of connection and understanding passed between us. There was no hiding from her, no concealing the effect her scent had on me right now. But I welcomed it. I refused to block myself from who she was, and I never wanted her to feel guilty for reading my thoughts.
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