
1767 Words
Chaos POV It took me several hours before my body finally relaxed. Skye remained peacefully asleep, her breathing steady and serene. She handled me just fine, more than I could have ever imagined. Our bond was now complete, and with that, I felt a change within myself. It was as if the hidden power had maybe awakened, or perhaps it was simply the completeness I felt with my mate. But whatever it was, I felt stronger, more capable of protecting her. And not just her, but the world that brought her happiness. I longed to be a part of this family, where loyalty and support were unwavering. Suddenly, Skye stirred in my arms, her eyes fluttering open, and a radiant smile graced her lips. "Help is coming," she whispered, her words initially confusing me. "My powers, they are coming back, and it's all thanks to you." As she spoke, a bright light flashed outside the tent. And then, a familiar voice from outside. "Hey, Kitten and Flaming Furball, long time no see," Colson's voice called out. Skye's smile widened, and tears welled up in her eyes. She almost jumped out of the tent naked, but I stopped her, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I got excited," she whispered, pulling out an outfit for herself. We quickly dressed, and as soon as she had clothing on, Skye rushed out with uncontainable excitement, leaving me momentarily stunned. Stepping outside a minute later, I found Skye in another man's arms, nuzzling against him. I had to restrain my lycan, knowing that these must be her family. Skye's eyes met mine again as she broke free from the man's embrace and ran over to me. "Mom, dad, this is Chaos. He is my mate," she exclaimed with pure joy, tugging on my hand. The man and woman looked me over for a moment, their appearance strikingly ordinary and youthful, contradicting the tales I had heard about them. Was the woman truly the ice dragon queen? She resembled more of a fae, and the man, with his messy hair and casual attire, appeared laid back. Yet, there was an undeniable aura of power emanating from them. The man extended his hand towards me first. "Welcome to the family, Chaos. It seems you have been doing a good job keeping Skye safe. I'm Caleb, and this is my mate Rain," he introduced. "She has been doing most of the work, to be honest," I replied, shaking his hand. Colson couldn't contain himself any longer. "Based on that happy face, you two must have finished the bond," he blurted out, earning a glare from Skye. "We should sit down," Skye suggested, breaking the tension. "There is much to talk about and little time." We all agreed, and settled in for a discussion. Skye spent time filling her parents in on everything, and they eagerly absorbed all the information. “I worried something would happen when you left Skye,” Rain explained with a concerned tone. “I always feared you may have a difficult path in the future, but this is far worse than I imagined. I am happy you were able to get us here.” The sound of relief was evident in Rain’s voice. “The boys are safe with their grandparents for now, so let’s all focus on getting you and Chaos to the kingdom and making this realm safe again.” Colson, with a huge grin on his face, chimed in, “Remember, she brought me here first.” His words were filled with amusement, causing me to laugh, a rare occurrence. “Well, it looks like the Lycan does have a sense of humor,” Colson remarked. “I guess you do make stressful situations slightly more bearable,” I responded. “Careful, feed him too many compliments, and he will stick to you like glue,” Rain joked. “What was your plan for reaching the next Key?” Caleb asked, his eyes fixed on the map that Skye had meticulously drawn. “We were thinking of heading to the Fire Dragon kingdom,” I replied. “We’ll seek assistance from the warriors stationed there, as the keys are scattered throughout the realm. Traveling on foot could take over a month, but with dragons, we could reach our destination in a day, maybe less.” I admitted. Caleb nodded approvingly. “Going to the dragon kingdom is a wise choice. We’ll be protected within the kingdom’s walls, and with the dragons’ aid, we might gain insight into what we’re up against.” He turned to me, his gaze intense. “There’s also a well-equipped training room we can use, Chaos. I’m sure you’ll be up for it.” “Dad, be nice,” Skye interjected. Caleb flashed a mischievous grin. “I am being nice. I just thought it’d be fun to spar with a Lycan.” Skye turned to me. “You don’t have to, Chaos. In my family, we have this constant need to compete against each other to prove who’s the strongest.” “And we all know who that is.”Rain chimed in, her voice filled with playful teasing. “All the men in our family are strong, but none of them have won against their mates.” Rain nudged Caleb, a smirk on her face. “That’s because I take it easy on you.” Caleb responded. “Last time Rain went up against you, we practically had to peel you off the floor.” Colson chuckled, adding to the banter. “I wouldn’t mind training, but it might take me some time to regain the shape I was in before I arrived here. Although, I do feel a bit stronger now.” I admitted. “This all sounds great, but let’s focus on getting to the dragon Kingdom first. According to the map, it’s about a two-day walk from here.” Skye interrupted the playful exchange, bringing everyone’s attention back to the task at hand. Her voice held a sense of urgency, reminding us of the impending journey that lay ahead. "Sorry, I got carried away," Caleb said. Skye walked over and leaned against him, the comforting warmth of her father's presence evident. "I am well aware of what you are facing, and we are prepared to help. I was just also happy to see that my daughter has her mate." We all planned our route, tracing it out on the map before embarking on our journey. As we walked, Rain tugged at Skye, beckoning her for a private conversation, while Caleb approached me to walk beside me. "How is Skye really holding up?" Caleb asked, his gaze fixed on her. "Good, better than expected considering everything she's been through. Rook was a real monster to her, but she stood up for herself. It was frustrating for her not to have full control, but finding these keys seems to be the answer. This morning, when she woke up and managed to bring you and Rain here, she had the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face," I explained, and Caleb nodded in understanding. "She has a way of maintaining a smile, no matter the situation," Caleb remarked, his eyes drifting up to Skye. We would pass through the village, where we could purchase the medicine needed to counteract the poison in her system. However, for now, I couldn't help but worry. Skye seemed fine, but I didn't want her to take a turn for the worse. "It's only natural to worry about her. I know that look all too well. I've been concerned for Rain's safety on countless occasions. No matter how strong they are, it hurts to see them suffer," Caleb admitted. "You're right. I know Skye will be fine. I just don't want her to exhaust herself," I confessed. "Well, lucky for you, she enjoys being held," Caleb chuckled. "Rain, on the other hand, always puts up a fight." "What nonsense are you spewing?" Rain interjected, glancing back at Caleb. "Just stating the truth about how amazing you are," Caleb teased, causing Rain to shake her head in disbelief. Meanwhile, I walked up to Skye and gently scooped her into my arms, as if she were a child. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck and made herself comfortable. "Just don't tire yourself, Chaos," she whispered as I kept a watchful eye. Rook was still on the loose, and I knew we would be encountering him again. I focused all my senses on the surrounding area as we walked, determined not to let anyone catch us off guard. As I honed my senses, they seemed to sharpen even more. I could hear distant noises, and my nose picked up the scent of wildlife far beyond our reach. "I feel it, something about us is different now," Blade said in my mind. "But I fear that controlling our powers will be challenging. The answers to accepting our true nature lie within the Unicorn Kingdom." "I can't remember any helpful memories from our past," he continued. Skye's hand touched my face. "I can try to assist you when we reach the Dragon Kingdom, but only if you want," she offered. "Will it harm you?" I asked, concerned. "No, I can't guarantee success, but I might be able to help you remember forgotten memories and uncover the truth about yourself," she admitted. Skye had offered this before, but now I felt ready. "We can try then, just you and me, in the safety of the kingdom," I responded, and she leaned her head against me. "Both you and I are the same, Chaos. We both have hidden secrets that we are slowly unraveling. Together, I believe we can discover them," she confessed. Silence enveloped our walk as Feather and Aria guided us through the treacherous areas with poisonous plants. "Is it normal for it to be so lifeless here?" I inquired. "Yes, not many venture on foot through this forest due to the dangerous plants. The area remains undisturbed, as those who enter risk harm. When we reach the village, we must exercise caution. Although it is part of the kingdom, we don't know if it has fallen under the enemies control. With many searching for Skye, there are bound to be some dangers lurking," Feather warned, and I nodded in understanding. I was confident in our small group's ability to handle any danger we faced. Skye would soon have the cure for the poison, allowing us to continue to the Dragon Kingdom and find the next key.
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