Chapter 6

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Flashback to when Alyssa used to date Xavier. The smoke fumes were practically suffocating Alyssa as she ran out of the circus tent with Xavier's family. It had been Xavier's idea for everyone to attend the circus together since Janet, his youngest sister who was six, had been pestering him about it. Alyssa hadn't been too keen considering she'd have to be near Dylan and pretend she didn't feel a fierce protectiveness over him. Making sure Dylan and Kyle made it out safely with her, Alyssa finally stopped to breathe easy. Moments later, Xavier rushed out with a barely conscious 12-year-old Brad in his arms. "Mom and Janet are still inside," Xavier said, wiping sweat off his brow after setting Brad down on the ground. "Tony's helping to contain the fire," Alyssa said quietly. "I saw him working with the humans." "The fire brigade will be here soon enough but Alyssa, stay with my brothers until I return," Xavier said sharply before running off to find his mother and sister. Alyssa's sharp eyes caught the movement and she reached out a hand to grab Dylan's forearm. He was only 15 and shorter than her. "Let me go," Dylan mumbled, trying to shrug her off. "I have to go help find my mom and sister!" He yelled, hsi face red. He looked at Alyssa defiantly, black soot all over his face. Brad was sitting on the ground completely disoriented while Kyle, who was 14, had full fledge tears running down his cheeks as he looked at the fire consuming the tent they'd been in. "You're not going anywhere," Alyssa said sternly. Her wolf was ready to fight him if need be. That fierce protectiveness for him overtook her heart and all she wanted to do was make sure he was safe. At this moment, and it unnerved her, she could care less about Xavier and where he was right now. Agitatedly, Dylan shrugged harshly out of Alyssa's grasp. "I will forcefully hold you back if I have too," Alyssa let out a low growl, her eyes flickering to yellow in warning. Dylan pointed a finger at her angrily, tears from the smoke filling his eyes. "Who the hell do you think you are!" he raged angrily. "My family is in danger and I need to help them!" "Xavier put me in charge," Alyssa retorted. She walked over to Kyle, patting his back sympathetically since he seemed to be the most visibly upset. "Your younger brothers are upset, you should be helping me comfort them instead of putting yourself in danger. You can't even turn yet. You're just a little boy," Alyssa hissed angrily. Dylan winced at her upbraiding of him. "The only thing you can do right now is stay put instead of adding to this mess!" Dylan clenched his fists in anger and turned his back on her. Suddenly, he straightened up and Alyssa watched him eagerly go towards a familiar approaching figure. "Rose!" Dylan exclaimed as if everything would be all right now that she was here. Alyssa held back a displeased growl. She didn't like Rose especially since she was Xavier's fated mate. Upon Rose's inquiry as to what was going on, Kyle spoke up in a shaky voice, letting Rose know the entire situation. And Rose shot off, just like Alyssa would have if Dylan had been the one inside that tent. Everyone screamed for her to come back, but she didn't listen. Again, instinctively, Alyssa reached out a hand to stop Dylan. He'd tried to follow Rose. "Oh come on!" he burst out. "You're not the boss of me!" Alyssa took a deep breath, trying to hide the fact that her every instinct cried out to protect him first and foremost. "Xavier put me in charge," Alyssa said in a steely voice. "And you will listen to your alpha." Dylan violently jerked away from her calling her a 'b***h' under his breath. Alyssa pretended she didn't hear him curse at her as she checked on Brad to make sure he was holding up all right. End of Flashback Back to present day when Dylan is 22 and Alyssa is 26. Alyssa stood nervously at the front of the class, her name projected behind her as part of the introductory presentation. She smoothed her skirt for the fifth time. What exactly should a professor be wearing anyway? She’d changed her outfit five times before settling on a deep blue blazer and matching pencil skirt. She wore a grey sleevless chiffon shirt underneath her blazer and grey heels on her feet. She’d done her best to look as professional as possible but now she was having second thoughts. She wasn’t infront of a judge. Intro to law was taken mostly by freshmen or sophomores. Maybe her original plan of simply wearing jeans would have been fine. But she’d wanted to look professional and be taken seriously by the students who weren't that much younger than her. So here she stood with a fresh blow out and a hint of pink on her lips and cheeks. She looked for all the world as if she was making her way towards her office in New York. In hindsight, Alyssa had realized she’d overdone herself a bit. But it was too late to do anything about it now. Next time, she’d opt for more casual attire. As students filed in, Alyssa couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the blatant way a few of the male students eyed her. If she’d had her werewolf hearing, she might have been able to pick up on exactly what everyone was whispering about to each other while intermittently glancing her way. But a few choice words like ‘model’,’gorgeous’, ‘new york’, and ‘alumni’ caught her ears. Well one thing hadn’t changed at all in this small town. The people still loved to gossip. It was evident everyone was talking about her. Primly, Alyssa turned her back momentarily to the class, reaching for the remote to help move her powerpoint presentation along. She cleared her throat and began to speak. “Morning everyone,” Alyssa said pleasantly, slowly turning to face the class while talking. “My name is Professor Alyssa Evans and I’ll be-“ But she froze as a familiar scent wafted towards her and her gaze met a pair of shocked deep blue eyes. Dylan Sinclair stood at the entrance of the lecture hall, the strap of his bag falling from his shoulder down to the crook of his arm as his grip slackened. Completely floored, Alyssa and Dylan stared at each other as if they were the only two people in the room; both unwilling to believe that the universe would have such a sick sense of humour as to make them meet again within such a ludicrous setting. A/N: DUN DUN DUN! Next update is Monday :)
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