5 - William.

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Why does this girl insist on trying to endear herself to me? She gasps at the sight of my living room and the downstairs kitchen on our way to the pool, stopping to gawk and turn in slow circles. Stumbling into furniture because she's so distracted by the chandeliers mounted to the high ceilings. I don't like the way my chest tightens over these things. It's odd and alarming. Who is this girl? I want to know everything about her, down to her blood type, but at the same time, I'm terrified of knowing too much. Making her too real to me. I'm already way outside of my comfort zone having her in my home for the night. I told myself I just wanted to f**k her, but here I am, giving her a tour of my house. Needing to see her swimming. Wanting to give her this thing she's been deprived of. Those urges are a warning sign that this girl is creeping into uncharted territory. I learned a long time ago that personal attachments are a weakness. A desire for affection, connection with another person, only leads to disappointment. So I need to remind her that's not going to happen—and remind myself in the process. It's for both of our own good. We walk into the downstairs solarium and the evening lights go on automatically, turning the pool to an iridescent shade of green, illuminating the greenery surrounding the oval shaped pool. A touch of humidity lingers in the air, so I start to loosen my collar, my actions pausing to take in Grace's reaction. "Your pool is inside?" Her green eyes sparkle with wonder, hands clasped beneath her chin. "This...this is the most beautiful thing I've ever been." Jesus. For me, it's her. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I'm being jabbed in the throat by an invisible object. This won't do. This isn't good. "Come here," I order, crooking a finger at her. My rough tone causes her to jolt a little, but she closes the distance between us, stopping in between me and the edge of the pool. Bathed in the greenish glow of the pool, she's somehow become even more enchanting, but I ignore the pressing impulse to kiss the girl, turning her around instead and unzipping her dress. "What are you doing?" she asks breathily. "You're not going to swim in clothes, are you?" "Um. I, um..." "No. You're not." I peel the damp garment down past her shoulders, groaning inwardly at the perfect slope of her bare back, the indent of her spine, the swell of her hips as I drag the dress over them, revealing an ass that turns my c**k to f*****g lead. Never in history has there been a more exquisitely formed human. The nude-colored thong is buried between her butt cheeks, as if it wants inside that asshole as badly as my d**k does. Nothing can stop my palms from skimming up her sides, watching goosebumps prickle her skin as I cup her t**s from behind, kneading them firmly, the swell of her n*****s against my palms nearly causing me to ejaculate. Absently, I notice the housekeeper entering the pool area with the towel and robe I requested, but I make no move to stop touching Grace, who sucks in a breath at the intrusion and tries to push away my hands. No way that's happening. I draw her back against me and massage her sweet breasts with twice as much possession. "This is my house. I do whatever I want inside of it." I place my hot, open mouth on the side of her neck, feel her shiver. "Didn't I warn you I was a bastard, Grace?" "William?" she whispers shakily. I strum her perked-up n*****s, stepping forward to tuck that tight ass of hers into my lap, humping it slowly, groaning. "Yes?" "Are we...is this s*x?" Color rides up the back of her neck into her blonde hair. "Are we having s*x right now?" I'm stunned into silence, my hands stilling. "Are you serious?" "I know it usually happens in the dark." Her words rush out in a tangle. "But it could happen in the light, right? Whatever it is." It takes a lot of willpower to stop playing with her gorgeous set of t**s, but I drop my hands away, turning her around to face me. The pretty flush in her cheeks makes it difficult to swallow and again, that warning siren goes off in my mind. But I have to ignore it for now, because it appears this girl I picked up on the side of the road is completely ignorant of intercourse. Jesus. Does it make me sick to be turned on knowing I'll be the first man to give her pleasure? "Grace, believe me. You'll know when we're having s*x," I say for her ears alone, waiting for Pauline to leave the room before continuing. Taking Grace's hand in mine, I guide it down to my c**k, hissing a breath when she feels me out of curiosity. "You'll know because that is going to be inside of you." I transfer her touch to the seam of her panties, rubbing her fingers there and listening to her whimper. "Here, baby. I'll be deep inside this." She exhales in a rush. "My...m-my mother didn't tell me. She must have assumed I knew..." "Maybe she planned to have the talk soon. Maybe she thought there was time." I press her fingers to her clit, teasing it through her panties. "She couldn't have known you were going to run into the Lord on the side of the road." "Stop saying you're the Lord," she gasps, eyes glazing over. "It's true," I growl, shoving a hand into her panties and gripping her p***y. "But this is going to bring me to heaven for a while, isn't it?" Struggling to breathe, Grace pushes away from me, looking like she's going to run. Christ, I wouldn't even blame her. I'm being an outright motherfucker to this sweet angel. But she has to know, dammit. There is nothing here for her. I'm a vessel that is only designed to carry hate. And yet, I think if she runs, I'll chase her and apologize. I don't understand what the hell she's doing to me. Before I can guess her intentions, she turns and jumps into the swimming pool. Her blonde hair reaches up toward the surface, her limbs slipping through the water gracefully, making her look more ethereal than ever. I can still feel the shape of her p***y in my hand and with an urgent sound, I rub that palm against the distended fly of my pants, on the verge of coming just thinking about Grace in my bed, her thighs spread for my enjoyment. God, I'm going to—" Why hasn't she come back up yet? My heart misses a beat and begins to speed out of control. She's been under the surface for how long? A good twenty seconds? Edging toward thirty? She mentioned a community pool where she lives but never said if she could swim. What if she usually only wades in the shallow end? My entire pool is ten feet deep.
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