Chapter 3-1

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Chapter Three Trelon growled under his breath as he held his bleeding knuckles out to his symbiot. It was the second time in as many minutes that he’d needed to be healed. At the rate he was going, he was never going to get the modifications to the engines done on the crystal drive he was working on. “Thanks, my friend,” Trelon said with a deep affection in his voice. The relationship between the Valdier warrior, his dragon, and his symbiot was so deep one could not be separated from the others. The golden shape of a huge cat swirled with colors at the affection it heard in Trelon’s voice. Within seconds, small bands of gold separated to encase his hand in a mesh of gold metal, forming a flexible glove. Trelon laughed, “Getting tired of healing me so soon, my friend? Thank you again for your assistance.” The huge golden cat shimmered with an array of colors before settling down beside Trelon to study what he was doing. Trelon tried to focus on the job at hand. He was working on some modifications to the engines that combined the energy from the symbiot on board and the crystals they were using to power their vessel. So far, he had cut several days off their journey to the primitive planet his older brother, Zoran, had found refuge on. Trelon had buried his fear from his other brothers when he had first heard Zoran’s call for help. He had been afraid his new defense system had malfunctioned. The Valdier had been at peace with the Sarafin warriors for the past hundred or so years, but that did not mean it would last. The peace was kept only because of a promise that the first-born daughter of the king of Valdier would be given in marriage to the first-born son of the king of Sarafin. Unfortunately for the Sarafin, Trelon’s father neglected to inform them that females were few and far between. In fact, no daughters had been born into the ruling family of Valdier in centuries. Trelon grimaced. If the Valdier had been truthful to the Sarafin, they would have admitted that the population of females was steadily declining. Their scientists were not sure exactly why, but they believed it was due to the symbiotic relationship the males had with their symbiot and their dragon. There had been a time of great wars between the Curizans, the Valdier, and the Sarafin. Because of the wars, more males were needed. Over time, the females began breeding more and more warriors. The problems became critical when the wars ended. The females continued to produce warriors, and over time the difference between the population of males and females reached a turning point—there were more males than females. About three hundred years before, this discrepancy in numbers had finally forced the Valdier to look outside their own galaxy in a desperate search for females. Unfortunately, they encountered another problem, their symbiot, and oftentimes their dragon, refused to true mate with the females. While the males could enjoy s****l release and some pleasure, they never achieved the fulfillment of a true mate—acceptance from all three parts of themselves. Only with a true mate could the dragon fire take hold and a male find total s****l satisfaction. Trelon leaned his head back against the cold metal of the compartment he was working in and drew in a deep breath. His dragon was getting impatient for a mate. Unless he could find his true mate, the growing hunger and discomfort would continue to eat away at him from the inside. Gritting his teeth, he tried to force his dragon to calm down. It wasn’t like there was a damn thing he could do about it. Out of all the women he had been with over the years not a damn one could satisfy all three parts of him. Hell, he was lucky he had ever gotten laid. His dragon really didn’t care so much what the female was like if he was in the mood for a good f**k. It would tolerate the female long enough to scratch the itch, but it wouldn’t bite one of them no matter how much he’d tried to trick it into doing so. Then there was his symbiot. He and his dragon had to practically beg it not to kill the females he had bedded. The only way he had been able to get any relief had been to demand that it stay across the room from them when he was with a woman. There had been a time or two when he’d even had to send it off to play in the forest if it really didn’t like the female. He didn’t know what he was going to do if he didn’t find a woman soon. Perhaps he should take N’tasha up on her offer. Even though his symbiot couldn’t stand her, his dragon was tolerant enough to let him bed her a few times a week. It was better than nothing, even though the likelihood of their mating producing a child was very small, Trelon thought with a sigh of regret.
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