CHAPTER ONE - 1880-1

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CHAPTER ONE - 1880The Earl of Cariston walked into White’s Club in St. James’s Street. The Club’s porter having welcomed him politely informed him, “The Club Secretary, my Lord, would like to have a word with you when you have time.” The Earl did not reply because he knew exactly what the Secretary wanted to have a word with him about. He had not paid his subscription for the simple reason that he had not enough money to make the payment. He walked into the morning room and seeing a friend of his at the far end, he walked across to join him. Lord Shield looked up in surprise. “Hallo, Michael,” he exclaimed. “I thought you were in the country.” The Earl sat down rather heavily in the chair next to his. “I came up to London,” he told him, “to see my Solicitor.” “Trouble?” Lord Shield enquired. “Very bad trouble,” the Earl replied, “and I would be grateful if you would stand me a drink because I literally cannot afford one.” His friend did not argue. He merely signalled to a Steward and ordered a bottle of champagne. “I am very sorry for you, Michael,” he said when they were alone. “Are things worse than they have ever been?” “Far, far worse!” He spoke with a note of despair in his voice which his companion could not fail to miss. The two young men had been at Oxford together and had then joined the same Regiment. They had fought in the Sudan and spent some very uncomfortable months during the troubles in Abyssinia. When the Earl had inherited his title he had resigned his commission in the Army and returned home. Lord Shield had done the same six months later. Whenever they had the chance they met, as both of them owned large estates in the country. Now as they waited for the champagne to arrive, Lord Shield was recalling that last year had been a particularly bad harvest and every landowner had been affected. He had heard the story that the Earl was having a particularly difficult time on his estate. There was silence for a little while and then Lord Shield said, “Tell me the worst. You know, Michael, that I will help you if I possibly can.” “Nobody can help me!” the Earl responded gloomily. “I am completely finished. The best thing I could do would be to put a bullet through my head!” “Don’t be so ridiculous! It cannot be as bad as that!” “It is worse!” “Tell me what has happened.” “It is the usual story which we have heard from so many other and thought could never happen to us.” He stopped speaking because the champagne had arrived. Lord Shield raised his glass. “To the future,” he toasted, “and may it be very much better than the past!” “I will certainly drink to that,” the Earl said, “but quite frankly for me it is impossible.” “That is a word I very much dislike,” Lord Shield remarked, “but pray continue with your story.” “It is, I am afraid, such a familiar and dull story. My father felt incapable of coping with the estate and let it fall into rack and ruin.” He paused for a moment. “He was ill for quite a few years before he died, the servants he trusted left him and the rest pilfered everything while the house fell to pieces.” He took a deep sip of his champagne. “The debts piled up one on top of another and what I am facing now is an enormous number of bills which cannot be met. I have nothing to sell and have not the slightest idea how I can pay them.” Lord Shield sighed, “I wish I could help you, Michael, but as you well know I have been walking a tightrope for very much the same reason as you. All I can offer you would hardly feed a rat for a week, let alone horses and cattle or anything else you possess.” “They are very likely to starve anyway,” the Earl said dejectedly. “Only this morning before I came to London, the man who supplies the oats for the horses and the other foodstuffs required on the farm has refused to deliver anything more until I pay his bill.” “Have you nothing you could sell?” The Earl gave a sharp laugh with no humour in it. “You do not suppose that I have not thought of that? The house is in a terrible state of disrepair. It is of course entailed, just the same as the pictures, the furniture and everything else.” He gave another mirthless laugh before adding, “Entailed for the son I can never afford to have.” “It is the most dismal story I have ever heard,” Lord Shield exclaimed and poured more champagne into the Earl’s glass. “There is nothing I can do unless you can produce a good idea.” Lord Shield sat back in his chair. He was a good-looking young man, very English and aristocratic in his appearance. At the same time there was a look of intelligence about him which was more appropriate to a scholar or a statesman than a young soldier. The same might have been said of the Earl except that he was unusually handsome. When he first appeared at social gatherings he had been welcomed effusively by mothers with debutante daughters. Now, since he had left the Army, he had found no time for such social occasions. He had just struggled on despairingly to repair the damage that had accumulated on his estate. When he had looked at the acres of unsown land and at the farm buildings which needed urgent repair, he had felt increasingly helpless. He had found it a Herculean task which no sensible man would have attempted in the first place. So he had travelled to London today to call on his Solicitors. They had made it very clear to him that he was completely and absolutely bankrupt. As if he had followed his friend’s thoughts, Lord Shield said unexpectedly, “There must be something you can do!” “Tell me what, John, to be truthful I might easily be sent to prison.” Again there was silence. “I have a vague idea coming to me,” Lord Shield said, “and there is just an off-chance that it might be of some help.” His voice did not sound very encouraging, but the Earl answered, “I will try anything! I have lain awake night after night hoping for a miracle, but miracles never happen in real life.” “What I am thinking about is just that.” “Tell me about your idea.” “I read in the newspaper yesterday that a friend of my father’s, who I know was also a friend of your father, has just arrived in England from America. I do not know whether you remember him, but his name is Randon. The Earl wrinkled his brow. “Randon?” he repeated. “No, I cannot say I remember him.” “Well, he was a close friend of our fathers a long time ago. I was just leaving Eton at the time and I remember he tipped me a fiver.” “That is certainly something to remember,” the Earl agreed. “I only wish he had done the same for me!” “Well, he knew your father and as he is presently in London, why should you not renew his acquaintance?” “Why do you think he would help me?” “It said in the newspaper that he is enormously rich and made his money in property in the United States.” “Do you really think I could ask his help? I should think if he has any sense at all, he would show me the door. If he is as rich as you say he is, there will be a great number of old friends holding out empty hands.” “I have indeed thought of that, and quite frankly, Michael, I was considering whether I should approach him myself, but your need appears to be greater than mine.” “Perhaps we should go hand in hand with a begging bowl,” the Earl suggested, with a note of sarcasm in his voice. “No, be serious,” if he has returned to London after a long time away, he may not have many friends here and might be quite pleased to see us.” “I think it would be wise to arrive separately,” the Earl cautioned, “and as you heard of him before I did, you should be the first.” “Your need, I understand, is very urgent,” Lord Shield answered, “therefore you have a go first. Honestly Michael, I am not as desperate as you are.” “You can be thankful for that small mercy at any rate. I am seriously thinking of putting a bullet through my head, or just disappearing abroad where no one can find me and leaving the house to fall down and the estate to become a complete wilderness which it nearly is already.” “Of course you cannot do that.” “If your rich friend cannot help me then what am I to do? As it is, I cannot face the pensioners knowing how little money I give them and that is all borrowed from the bank.” The Earl gave a very deep sigh before continuing, “The Church needs repair, the schools are closed because my father did not pay the teachers and I am in arrears with the wages of the few people who are still working for me.” As he spoke his voice was dull with despair. Lord Shield threw out his arms in an almost theatrical gesture. “Then you will have to make Randon cough up,” he urged. “Remind him of the past and of your father’s fondness for him. Beg him, if necessary on your knees, to give you a helping hand and if he is as rich as they seem to think he is, he will not miss a few thousands.” There was silence before the Earl admitted, “I would rather face a whole tribe of hostile natives than have to beg for charity.” “I feel exactly the same,” his friend agreed, “but if you are drowning, it is no use being particular as to who throws you a lifeline.” The Earl gave a deep sigh. “Where is this man Randon staying?” “At Claridge’s Hotel.” “All right I will go to see him and when I come back with my tail between my legs, you can show me the way to the Debtors prison!” “I shall be hoping and praying that you will succeed, old boy, but I admit rich men are proverbially mean.” “A crust of bread is better than no bread at all,” the Earl reasoned. “I will accept anything, even a fiver like the one he gave you when you were going back to Eton.” He looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. “I will go to Claridge’s now. I may catch him before he goes out to luncheon. If he refuses to help me, I shall look to you, John, to give me the last meal I will be able to take in a civilised place.” “If you are going, Michael – get on with it! As I said at the beginning of our conversation, it is just an off-chance. But sometimes an outsider passes the winning post first!” “And more often he falls at the first fence.” The Earl rose from his chair and put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Thank you for the champagne, my dear John. It has given me Dutch courage and I am most grateful.” He walked away before Lord Shield could reply. Outside the Club his chaise, in which he had driven up from the country, was waiting. The chaise itself was somewhat dilapidated and needed repainting. However the horse drawing it was a good-looking animal and he certainly looked better fed than his owner. As the Earl climbed into the driving seat, he was aware that the groom who handed him the reins was looking pale and thin and his coat needed repairing. “I have another call to make, Jim, and then I will try to find you something to eat, as I expect you are hungry.” “That’s nothing new, my Lord,” the groom answered. “But I’ll be mighty glad of anything you can give me.” The Earl did not reply, but turned the horse round and drove into Piccadilly and up Berkeley Street into Berkeley Square. He remembered as he passed through the square that his grandfather had owned a house here. His father had sold it as soon as he came into the title. It took him only a few minutes more to reach Claridge’s. The Earl made enquiries at the hotel’s reception desk and was told that Mr. Randon was in his suite. He gave his name and asked if Mr. Randon would see him and a page was sent hurrying up the broad staircase to the first floor. While the Earl was waiting, ladies and gentlemen were arriving for luncheon and a band was playing in the foyer. It was a long time since he had lunched or dined in any expensive hotel nor for that matter in the company of people who were well off.
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