CHAPTER SIX“Checkmate!” Ilina looked at the chessboard somewhat ruefully. “You have won again,” she exclaimed. “And I used to think that I was a good player.” The Duke smiled. “I learnt many years ago with my father. Perhaps chess is a family pastime?” “Why not?” Ilina asked. “As it may have been invented by the Chinese, it is always supposed to be a game for the intelligent.” “Is that what you think I am?” the Duke enquired. Moving her chessmen back on the board, Ilina replied, “I think you are very intelligent in – some ways and very – stupid in others.” She spoke without thinking and then, as if she felt that she had been rude, she looked at the Duke and apologised, “I am – sorry. That was something I should – not have said.” “I like frankness,” the Duke replied, “even if it