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Tats   It was hard not to stare at Summer as she walked through the room. She was dead sexy, and I am sure she knew it. Following her out of the room, I watched her pour two cups of coffee, setting one on the counter for me to take as she mixed in some creamer in hers. Grabbing my cut, I pulled it on before taking the cup and drinking my coffee black. It was hard not to smile as she gave a disgusted look as she watched me drink my coffee with no flavor. As we stood drinking our coffees, a knock at the door interrupted the silence that had fallen between us. Sitting her cup down, she moved to the door peeking through the peephole to see who was at her door before she unlocked it and opened it. Standing on the other side was the same woman I had seen the other day. She was f*****g hot, but I now knew she was Knuckles old lady, making her Summer’s mom. So I forced myself to be good and push all the bad thoughts from my head. The two hugged, and I noticed that Summer had to lean down slightly to hug her mom, even with her mom wearing heeled boots. I knew Summer was slightly taller than an average woman, but I didn’t think she was by that much. Her mom must be really short, meaning Summer got her height from her dad. “Hey, sweetheart, you ready to go?” Summer nodded, “Yeah, I just need to get my shoes.” With that, she left me alone in the room with her mom while she ducked back into her bedroom. Her mom looked me over her eyes, landing on my left arm. Her eyebrow rose slightly. She had a good amount of tattoos herself, from the looks of it. And if I remembered right, Summer had said her mom was a tattoo artist. Without a word, she turned from me and followed Summer into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. I could hear the two talking from the other side but couldn’t make out what they were saying. The conversation didn’t last long before Summer opened the door, and the two walked back out. “I will wait for you outside.” Summer nodded as her mother walked past both of us and left the apartment. She looked as though she was annoyed about something. When she was gone, I looked back at Summer. “She ok?” Nodding, she walked into the kitchen, grabbing her coffee cup and sitting it in the sink. Turning back to me, she smiled. It looked forced, though, not like she was truly happy or anything. “I should get going. Will I get to see you later?” I nodded, “Yeah...Here give me your phone.” She pulled it out of her pocket, unlocking it and handing it to me. I quickly added my phone number for her. “Call or text when you get back.” Her smile became more natural rather than forced. “Thanks.” I nodded, the both of us leaving her apartment. I watched as she headed out to go with her mom before walking through the building to the other side to my own apartment.  Walking in, I found Axel sitting on the couch, his eyes lifting from his phone. “Where the hell have you been?” I shrugged, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” I walked past him to my room to get a clean pair of clothes, Axel following behind me. “Who did you hook up with last night?” I shrugged, “I don’t kiss and tell.” He scoffed, “Since when?” I shook my head, “I don’t tell you about every girl I have been with.” Crossing his arms, he leaned on the door frame, watching me get my clothes. “Fine, keep it to yourself. Just be careful.” I nodded, “Yes, father.” He pushed off the door frame with a grunt and left me to go to the bathroom and shower. I know the comment would get him to leave me alone. It always did. It was hard not to wonder what that conversation was about between Summer and her mom as I showered. But at the same time, maybe it was family s**t that had nothing to do with me. Although, it was hard to think otherwise after her mom clearly looked me over. Her whole demeanor changed when her eyes landed on my left arm where Summer’s tattoo was. Sure, Summer and I had a history, but we never defined our relationship, not even for that summer. Hell, I don’t think anyone even knew we had a fling with each other that summer. I never told anyone. It was not because I was ashamed of it but because I wanted to keep it for myself. I wondered if she ever told anyone. I wonder if I asked if she would tell me. But then again, did it really matter? It wasn’t like there was more than just a summer fling that went on between the two of us. When I was done with my shower, I dressed and went back to my room, shutting the door. As I closed it, I saw a glimpse of worry cross Axel’s face, but I ignored it. Unlike him, I wasn’t really one to stay in the house all day. I liked to be out meeting new people or hanging out with those I already knew. So for me to shut myself in my room was not normal. But today, I didn’t feel like wanting to be out among people. I had wanted to spend the whole day with Summer, but she had already had plans. So I decided to lay in my bed and be lazy for a day. Playing a game on my phone while I waited for her to get back.
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