Chapter 5

2869 Words

Two days after the party, Olivia strode into Valencia Gallery as soon as it opened, looking…disturbed was the first word that came to Lou’s mind as she entered the office. He wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for the fact his hours at the precinct had changed. He was now working two to ten. Olivia had a portfolio under one arm that she set down on the desk. “I have to show you something,” she said, flipping it open. “Tell me if I’m crazy.” “Okay.” Lou waited while she thumbed through the pictures before laying three of them out in front of him. “What do you see?” she asked. “Quint. And Clay holding Jamie, sitting on one of the lounge chairs. They all look very happy. Okay…Jamie looks more like he’s about to fall asleep, poor baby.” “Look behind them.” Lou did, then asked, “What

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