Chapter 11

1087 Words

Dr. Zack Kendall looked at the chart for the woman lying, unresponsive, in a room in the ICU. She was his patient now. From the report he’d been given, she had been found by a park employee, unconscious and with no ID, in the boathouse at Washington Park. The man had called 911 for an ambulance to bring her to the hospital. The doctors in the ER hadn’t pumped her stomach, since they’d known from a half-empty bottle found with her that she’d taken an overdose of Xanax. Because the drug caused respiratory depression, she was now on a ventilator and intravenous fluids. As he studied the woman, he had the feeling he’d seen her before somewhere. Then it hit him, and he wondered why no one else had caught it. He figured it was probably because the ER docs hadn’t had a chance to watch the news.

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