Wicked Plan

458 Words
Hailey walked into the coffee shop where she had planned to meet Sasha. She was beaming with excitement as she approached her best friend's table. "Hey, Sasha!" Hailey exclaimed, taking a seat across from her friend. "Hey, Hailey! You look like you're on cloud nine. What's up?" Sasha asked, taking a sip of her latte. "I had a dinner date last night with Ezra," Hailey said, her eyes sparkling. Sasha's eyes widened. "Ezra? Your childhood crush?" Hailey nodded a big smile on her face. "Yes, him! It was spectacular, Sasha. We had such a great time. The conversation just flowed, and he made me laugh so much." "That's wonderful, Hailey. What did you guys talk about?" Sasha asked, clearly interested. "We talked about everything. Our childhood and our interests. It was like when we were still kids," Hailey said, still grinning from ear to ear. Sasha leaned forward, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, what's the verdict? Are you going to see him again?" Hailey nodded eagerly. "Definitely. We made plans for next weekend already. I'm so excited, Sasha." Sasha smiled warmly at her friend. "I'm happy for you, Hailey. You deserve to be happy. And if Ezra makes you happy, then you should go for it." Hailey grinned. "You know what, Sasha? I think I will." Sasha raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean?" "I mean, I'm going to go for it. I'll take a chance with Ezra and see where it goes," Hailey said, determination in her voice. Sasha grinned. "That's the spirit, Hailey. I'm rooting for you and Ezra". "Okay, I will see you later baby girl", Hailey said while getting up to leave. "Bye," Sasha replied, immediately after Hailey left, Sasha called Ezra. "Ezra, it's Sasha," she said when he answered. "Hey, Sasha. What's up?" Ezra asked, his voice warm and friendly. Sasha took a deep breath. "Ezra, we need to talk." There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Ezra spoke again. "Okay, what about?" Sasha hesitated, unsure of how to broach the subject. Finally, she blurted it out. "Ezra, I know I asked you to go out with Hailey and that's because I want you to marry her and then persuade her to transfer her assets to you as her husband. I didn't ask you to go and fall in love with her", Sasha complained. "Calm down Sasha, the plan Is still on. I was only trying to gain her love and trust. I promise you, sweetheart, it's you I love", Ezra explained. "Okay, honey, I trust you, but please be very cautious not to get caught", Sasha advised. "Okay, baby, take care, I love you", Ezra said. " I love you too", Sasha replied.
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