Grandma's Test

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It's been three weeks now, since Hailey moved in with Grandma Mary, and her leg is now okay. She has been job hunting for days now and hasn't been lucky. "Any luck today?" Grandma Mary asked her immediately after she got back. "No Grandma", Hailey replied, feeling unhappy. She was exhausted and needed to eat and then rest. " Let me help you", Mary suggested and don't bother refusing my help, she added. "I have kept quiet and allowed you, to get a job for yourself, but since it's not working. I will have to step in and help," Mary said. "Alright, Grandma, you win!," Hailey said smiling. "Why don't you go inside, take your bath and then have dinner," Grandma Mary said . "Okay Grandma!!" Hailey stood up and went to her room. Immediately after Hailey left, Mary called her grandson, "Hello! Leonardo, I need you to make arrangements for a new cleaner in the company, I have someone who needs a job urgently. "Okay, Grandma" Mary's grandson replied. "I would have Mark send you her details later, bye!!" Mary added and ended the call. After twenty minutes, Hailey came out of her room and went to call Grandma Mary to come to have dinner. "Grandma, come and have dinner," Hailey said. " I'm not hungry, Hailey," Grandma Mary replied. "Alright, Grandma, I will quickly go have dinner and then come back to chat with you," Hailey said. "Okay, dear, I will be waiting for you", Grandma replied. After dinner, Hailey came and sat with Grandma Mary. "Grandma, why do you live alone, don't you have kids or grandkids?" Hailey asked. Mary laughed and answered, "I have a son, but he died, leaving me with his two sons. My eldest grandson is the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the country. He is always busy, and hardly visits me. While my other grandson is schooling in Italy. "Oh!!! I see, sorry for your loss Grandma," Hailey sympathized. "It's okay sweetheart," Mary replied. "Grandma, what of your daughter-in-law, you didn't talk about her?" Hailey asked. "Oh!! I almost forgot about her, she remarried after my son died," Mary explained. "So you raised your Grandchildren on your own ?," Hailey inquired. "Yes, dear, that's why I almost forgot about my daughter-in-law", Grandma explained. "You are a very nice girl and I would want you to marry my eldest grandson," Grandma said. "Grandma, I love you and I appreciate all you have been doing for me. But I don't think am ready to get married again," Hailey explained. Grandma smiled and then replied "Don't worry, I won't force you to marry him against your wish," Grandma assured her. "Thank you, Grandma", Hailey said, then hugged Grandma Mary. After they broke their hug. Hailey stood up yawning, "Grandma I need to go to bed now and am exhausted," She said. "Alright, dear good night," Grandma replied. Hailey was about to leave when Grandma remembered something and called her back. "Hailey!" Grandma called. "Yes!! Grandma" Hailey answered. "You don't need to hunt for jobs anymore, I found you a cleaning job," Grandma said. Hailey jumped up excitedly, then quickly went over to where Grandma was sitting and hugged her. "Thank you very much, Grandma", Hailey said. "You are welcome my love, now go and sleep, Grandma said. Okay, Grandma Goodnight… After Hailey left, Grandma smiled and went to her room. Grandma Mary wanted to test Hailey, she needed to know if Hailey was suitable for her son, and that's why she asked Leonardo to employ Hailey as the company's cleaner. She could have asked Leonardo for other positions, but she needed to test Hailey's humility. And surprisingly, Hailey unknowingly passed Grandma's test.
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