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Very early the next morning, Hailey was still sleeping when her mother-in-law poured her a bucket of cold water, she jumped up immediately shocked, still trying to analyze what was going on, when Lydia said, "Will you get your ass up from that bed your slut?" Hailey thought it was a prank. She then said" Mom, you are a good actress. You almost got me" She was laughing when Lydia got close to her and gave her a resetting Slap, and said, "I bet this slap would help reset your damaged brain". Hailey, who was still shocked at what, was happening, stood up with hot tears in her eyes. "Mom, what wrong have I done?"Hailey asked, Lydia, slapped her again, and said, "Who is your Mom, do I in any way look like your useless dead parents?" Hailey got angry when Lydia insulted her parents and said "I'm sorry Lydia. But you are leaving my house this minute, I won't stand here and watch you insult my late parents" Lydia laughed and asked, "Did you just call this place your house? For your information, young lady, you have transferred all your inheritance to my son, and he is now the new owner of everything your useless parents left for you." " What!!" Hailey yelled, Lydia slapped her again and warned "b***h don't you ever raise your voice at me". Lydia was still abusing Hailey when Ezra walked in with Sasha. Immediately Hailey saw Ezra, she ran to him and hugged him, "Baby I don't know what's wrong with your mother she slapped me three times this morning and said some weird things," Hailey complained. Ezra pushed her, and she fell on the floor, he then warned her, "If you want to ever stay in this house you have to respect my mother and my girlfriend," he said, introducing Sasha as his girlfriend. "Is this all a prank, are you three trying to pull my legs?" Hailey asked. Sasha gave her another slap and said, "who is joking with you b***h, you need to tame yourself. If not I would make you wish for death". "Hey sweetheart, calm down," Ezra said to Sasha. He then turned back to Hailey and said "Since you need an explanation, I will do you that favour. Hailey the papers you signed last night were not for any loan, you transferred all your inheritance to me and also you signed our divorce paper too he said flinging the papers to her, you can keep the papers they are your copy the original copies are with my lawyer." Hailey picked up the papers and read them, she read with tears in her eyes that she had disappointed her late parents. She fell on the floor and burst into tears. Lydia kicked her while Sasha spat on her, they laughed at her and then left. Hailey cried throughout the night, she regretted ever trusting Ezra, and she wept until she got tired and slept off.
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