Chapter 3

863 Words
3 “So, what about you?” “What about me?” Bryna asked. “Well, you can’t possibly be single.” She laughed lightly and ducked her chin to her chest. No, of course she wasn’t single. But as far as she knew, Gates didn’t care if she flirted with every guy in Hollywood as long as she was on his arm when he needed her. They had known each other a long time, and he liked that he didn’t have to explain himself to her, let alone have her fawn over him for doing something he had always been naturally good at. She treated him exactly the same way she did everyone else, and their relationship had blossomed naturally out of their mutual understanding. “You say that with such surety,” she said. He tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. “You are the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen. I’m sure you have people knocking your door down.” “Yet I’m here all alone.” “Waiting for someone?” he guessed. She shook her head. “Anyone going to break down my door when we leave?” Damn. He was so sure of himself. She liked the self-confidence he wore like a cloak. It was her biggest turn-on. Gates had it in spades, but it was nothing compared to this guy. And it wasn’t as if Gates would be busting down anyone’s door to get to her. He was on set on the East Coast, filming his new movie, Broken Road. She hadn’t seen him in months, not since she had flown out there this summer. And she wasn’t even sure Gates would be angry. She could probably tell him tomorrow that she had f****d this guy, and she doubted she would see an ounce of fury. Maybe some wounded pride. Maybe a touch of jealousy over someone touching what belonged to him. But he wouldn’t really be angry. Their relationship had never been like that. Sometimes, she thought she was just more of a convenience for him. Her silence spurred the man forward. “Ah, so there is someone.” She shrugged and averted her baby-blue eyes. “An i***t to leave you here all alone,” he continued. “Why? He’s a very secure man. I doubt he’d think anyone could come in an sweep me off my feet.” “Then, he truly is an i***t,” he said in a heartbeat. He stepped toward her, and she had to tilt her head up to look at him. But she didn’t move away or back down. She could play along. “You don’t know him.” “Should I?” She bit her lip. She didn’t want him to know who she was. If she told him she was dating Gates Hartman well then, that would be the end of their game. And she really liked playing this game. “No,” she finally said. “I don’t think you should.” “Good.” His hand slid around her waist where his long fingers splayed across her lower back. Her heart thrummed to a beat from his touch. She was warm everywhere at once. If he kept this fire simmering in her core, she knew there would be no going back. She held on to her confidence and met his dark gaze. The gaze of the devil incarnate tempting her to sin, offering her the apple from the Garden of Eden. Perhaps he was a snake. But if sin tasted this good, then she understood why Eve had thirsted for knowledge. “Dance?” he suggested. His hand slid into hers and drew her out to the dance floor. They were soon consumed by people and lost in the crowd. He pressed her back into his chest. Their hips swayed to the beat. His fingers dug into the material of her tight dress, and she groaned at the feel of him. He knew exactly what he was doing. The heat between them escalated. He pulled her hands over her head and around his neck. He pressed his pelvis into her ass as she ground herself against him. His mouth touched the sensitive skin on her neck, and she shivered all over. He traveled up to her ear, and then grasped her chin, forcing her to give him better access. His lips settled along her jaw and then her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed in the dark room. Her skin vibrated under his touch as she anticipated what was to come. She swallowed, barely breathing, as she felt the gentlest of brushes. A taste. A test. Then, he was kissing her. The world went dark. The kiss was hot and insistent and as greedy as the music moving through the bodies around them. His tongue brushed against her lips, and she opened her mouth to let him in. Their tongues met, and she was lost. She voraciously pulled his mouth down onto hers, never wanting to break away. As the kiss intensified, he turned her around and drew her into his arms. Her body was on fire. Her face was flushed. Her hands clutched the collar of his shirt. She could do this all night. She broke away, breathless. Her pupils blasted out, and her chest heaved. Their game was coming to an end. She had forfeited the prize in the heat of the moment on the crowded dance floor. “Leave with me,” he breathed into her ear. “How do I know I can trust you?” He lightly nipped her ear, and she shivered. “You don’t.”
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