Teach Me

1585 Words
"What brought you here?" Asked Jason, as he meet Tyler's gazed on him. Tyler shifted his gaze to Ava leaving them first, before his gazed fell back to Jason. "She's my mate and you should learn to respect boundaries and mind how you touched her!" Warned Tyler, and Jason laughed out first. "You worry to much. I was only askimg her when she will move on to your house and here you're scolding me" Jason spoked and Tyler finally calmed as his eyes glowed brightly yellow. "Really?" He asked, but Jason ignored him and started walking away while Tyler followed rightly behind. "Fine, Am sorry for yelling at you" Apologized Tyler, but Jason didn't replied as he walked out from his father's house and into the street, wanting to took a strolled down to the forest and Tyler followed him.. "Greeting Alpha" The she-wolves along the streets greeted Jason and he only waved to them while they blushed happily. "Alpha.." Tyler walked up to meet Jason while Jason took another street turned. "Fine, I apologized for yelling. Am truly sorry" Tyler apologized again but Jason still didn't said a word. Tyler sighed and kept mute and he continued following Jason until they got to the forest area "Why're you following me?" Jason finally asked and Tyler smiled as Jason meet his gazed. "I just wanted to know what your sister said, about moving to my place?" Asked Tyler, and Jason hummed. "Hmm.. You know Ava is very stubborn. She didn't gave me any response. But tell me, Have you done anything with her yet?" Questioned Jason. "Anything like what?" Asked Tyler, raising a brow while Jason smirked and he sat to the grass, crossing his legs while Tyler sat beside him. "What does mate do?" Asked Jason, and Tyler laughed out, "Oh!." Jason wasn't laughing, as he really wanted to knew how to mate and maybe took Ann to bed. "I don't know. We haven't done it yet. And not like if we do it, I'll now inforn you about it" Said Tyler. "Hmm.. " Jason was quiet at first. "I just want to know how they mate" Replied Jason. "Why?. You don't have a mate so what do you need the knowledge for?" Questioned Tyler, and Jason kept mute at first. "You can visit the brothel to get some experience Alpha. Don't think if I did anything with Ava, I will now inform you how we did it, No!." "Hmph.. Okay" Replied Jason, still staring ahead at the woods and trees. "I've to be on my way back now Alpha. Seems you want to stay out here all alone" Spoked Tyler, as he stood up back. "Maybe" Replied Jason, and Tyler shapeshifted back into his wolf formed and he raced back home Jason sat in the field, he knew Tyler wouldn't told him anything. And the brothel, he couldn't visited there as a lot of them irritated him. Having to note they had slept with a lot of males irritated him and he couldn't bare to have any one of them touched him. He sat out for a while till the sun fell and the night sky approached, He laid to the field staring to the stars and after a while he shapeshifted and raced back home too. Ava was in the sitting room on the second floor pacing up and down. She could still perceived the delicious scent of the meat she couldn't phantom what the scent was all about. Before she grew up to knew a thing, she hadn't seen her kind captured any human and during the time of Jason becoming the next Alpha, Jason wasn't able to captured any human. They had captured different kind of animals as meat for their pack and sacrifices to the moon goddess every full wolf moon festival, but the scent she was perceiving coming out from Jason's room was totally different from all those scent. "Argrhh!" She growled in annoyance and just then did she perceived her brother behind her. "What's troubling you sis?" Asked Jason, as he walked into the sitting room and walked up to meet her. "Nothing" Replied Ava coldly, and she wanted to walked away from him, but Jason spoked to her "You don't dared to lied to me. Am still your alpha and I can punished you." "But you're lying to all of us!. I can still perceive the delicious scent coming out thru the doors leading into your room. What're you hiding there brother?" Asked Ava, as she meet Jason's gazed on her while Jason smiled first as he walked away in silence but Ava followed him from behind climbing up the stairs. "Tell me brother, what's the scent all about?. If you cannot perceive it, why not let me into your room to search for it by myself?" Asked Ava, and Jason stopped by the stairs and stared back to her. "You want to search my room?" Asked Jason. "Yes!" Ava eyes glinted in hope and Jason smirked. "Fine. I will allow you to search, but on one condition." "What condition?" Asked Ava, like a happy puppy and Jason smirked but just then their mother came out to called them for dinner. "Jason, Ava.. What're you both discussing about?" Asked Chloe as she smiled happily to them. It was actually the first time she was seeing Jason and Ava getting along as siblings, As ever since Ava started complaining to them that Jason was hiding a meat, she never saw them interacted but became distant like strangers and hardly spoked nor communicated to each other like siblings did. "Nothing mom. I just wanted to ask Ava something, let's go down for dinner" Replied Jason, but Chloe shifted her gazed to Ava and saw Ava smiling a little. "Are you sure is only that?" Asked Chloe and Jason replied, "Yes mom. Come let's go." Jason head downstairs first and Chloe sighed and followed him from behind as she was happy to saw them getting along as siblings. Jason stepped down first and walked to the dinning and sat while his parent and Ava joined next and they ate in silence like a happy family. After dinner, Jason thought to requested for her extra meal to took up to Ann, but he knowing Ava would still be lurking around him, wanting to know what condition he had to said to her, He went out to the frontage even as it was already late at night. He went out to received the cool evening breeze and Ava stepped out next and she walked up to meet him and sat beside him on the field in front of the mansion. Chloe walked out to the second floor balcony and she stared to them below. She was happy to saw them getting along and she listened to their conversation. "So what's the condition about?" Asked Ava, as she sat beside Jason but Jason was quiet at first. "You want to know?" Asked Jason. "Yes. Or is it something I cannot do?" Asked Ava nervously, and Chloe frowned not knowing what they were negotiating about. "Not really. You can do it. Tell me have you and Tyler mate?." "Jason!" Exclaimed Ava, thinking it was something different and her eyes narrowed at him and widen in surprise and she stared away. "Why do you want to know?. You don't have a mate, so you shouldn't bother" Spoked Ava, but Jason remained quiet at first "Is that condition?" Asked Ava, as she stared to him and frowned. "Well yes. I want to know how they mate?" Jason honestly asked her as he finally meet her gazed and Ava frowned deepened first. "And you want me to teach you?. No I cannot" Ava stood up angrily and Chloe frowned not liking their conversation. She knew Jason was cursed and she assumed maybe he wasn't happy with the fact that he wasn't able to found a mate even as he was 27-years. "Ava.." Jason called back, as Ava dared to walked away from him angrily and she paused. "You haven't answered my question" Jason spoked and Ava flared up. "How do you expect me to teach you that?!" She asked him with narrowed eyes and Jason stood up and walked up to meet her. "Am not asking you to mate with me, but Teach me how you mate." "No?" Ava felt her cheeks burned. "There's no way I would teach you without practical. Why not call Emilia to teach you instead?. She likes you and am sure she will agree to do it and teach you well.." "No?" Replied Jason and Ava frowned. Chloe also frowned staring to them and Ava shook her head. "Well am sorry, I cannot teach you." "Ava. Am not asking practical. You just tell me what's there to be done" Said Jason, almost sounding annoyed and Ava laughed out first. "How do I explain it?. It's not easy. It's hot and I cannot " Ava quickly turned away. "Then you're not ready to search my room" Replied Jason and he started walking away while Ava shook her head sadly. "How am I going to explain all that to hm?. Gosh!. I cannot" Ava shook her head. Sniffing someone's presence listening to their conversation and she turned and stared upwards to the second floor and she meet her mother's gazed on her, making her cheeks to burned hotter and she dashed into the house and rushed back upstairs to her room to hid.
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