The New Alpha

1533 Words
"Hmm.." Wise one Austin rejected the Antelope even before the full moon started coming out. "Is there no other meat left aside this one. How about cows?." The crowd werewolves gathered fell in silence and his father spoked. "Wise one. You didn't stated the animal to be brought, except humans. So Jason went out and hunt for this alone." "Hmm.." Wise one Austin frowned and he Instructed the three hefty youth gathered. "Draw his tattoo." The tattoo drawing began on his back and Jason withstand the pain.. It was a wolf head tattoo and they drew it very fast, making his skin to bled. Thru with the drawing Wise one Austin ordered, "Burn the antelope. The moon goddess didn't accepted of it. So you all can eat it as her blessings as there would be dry famine in the land for five years, until any of you are ready to appease the moon goddess with a human as a sacrifice. Most especially a female human. I take my leave now." The crowd stared murmuring and Alpha Eli ordered, "Silence!." And his voice was angered, making Wise one Austin to stop. "Wise one. You cannot leave without completing the full ordaining ritual. If you leave. Jason is still my son and am still the Alpha. And I'll banish you to seized being a member of our pack." "Arh.!" The murmuring and howling sound were heard and Alpha Eli commanded, "Silence!. Now is left for you to make a choice." "Hmm. You cannot threatened me Eli. I was chosen by the moon goddess to be as her husband and I know what she wants and will gladly accept, not this antelope." Wise one Austin replied but Alpha Eli stared to the burning Antelope that still scented delicious. "Jason is still the Alpha. Whether you like him or not. Now move over and complete the ordain." Alpha Eli spoked and Wise one Austin laughed out and stared to Jason whom still laid waiting for his wolf head tattoo to dry. "He's a cursed Alpha. A doom to our pack. And am helping you by doing what's right and you're threatening me?." "Now. Or go and leave these pack and never show your face here again!." Wise one Austin stood speechless and after a while he finally walked up to the front and completed the remaining rituals and blessings and Jason was finally ordained as the new Alpha of Greshood packs. Wise one Austin knew if he left, the humans might discovered him to be different and more likely he didn't wanted to leave his shrine which was his home and move to the city. He had never been there and he sighed and completely the remaining rituals and blessings, cutting the Antelope meat and he ate from it first, before it was shared among their packs werewolf. Jason finally stood up and wore the mantle of leadership on his neck A long black shawl and he looked like the devil himself. The werewolves howler loudly and cheered for him as their new alpha and Ann was in her room, wondering what was happening outside the mansion. She heard all their conversation as it was night, with the whole area dead silence and she heard when the male voice spoked about a human female to be used. Fear gripped her as she now believed Jason was telling her the truth about being eaten alive and she heard his father's voice for the first time. She heard when they commanded the tattoo to be done and she wondered what they were doing to him. Hearing a lot of voices and their howling screams, she knew she was a dead meat, if she attempted to escape. She stared to the key she found and it dropped from her hand as she was afraid to escape. The festival continue till morning and she woke up in her room, still not seeing Jason around. She walked to the door and opened it, but his room door was still locked, meaning he hadn't returned back. She didn't knew what to do and she remembered he had told her, that her brother and sister weren't humans too. She paced up and down, feeling hungry, and she walked back into her room and picked up the apple she had washed to eat it. Jason was thru with the final blessings of all the young lovers that found their mate's and the sun was finally out. "It seemed wise one Austin cursed didn't had any effect" he spoked but Wise one Austin only stared to him in silence and walked away, as the moon goddess finally accepted and blessed them. But he had personally cursed Jason not to find a mate and he was okay with that. Knowing Jason was truly dangerous and more rogue. "Congratulations son" Alpha Eli spoked and Jason nodded. "Thank you father." Jason finally walked to the tap and washed his hands as he was thru and all the elders started leaving one by one, and he saw the frowned looked on Beta Nathan face even as all the elders were congratulating him one by one, before leaving. Beta Nathan didn't congratulated him but frowned and left, and he thought Tyler would do same, but Tyler walked up to him as everyone had left and congratulated him. "Congratulations Alpha!" "Thank you Tyler" Jason replied and they walked together for a while "The school has been opened. Won't you be there to see the new young students?" Tyler asked. "No. I still have a lot to deal with as of now. You can go there on my behalf" Jason replied. "Okay. Congratulations once again. I cannot wait for your sister to resume her classes. She really has to practice with me." "Hmm" Jason nodded and he stared to the pretty females, dressed in short brown gown and they walked down the street in front of his mansion. "That's right. I will be looking forward to that. Let's just hope no famine would occur, in the upcoming years" Jason spoked. "None will. Send my regards to Ava. She has clearly been avoiding me. But I can understand and will wait for her till she's ready to practice." "Okay." Jason frowned a little as he knew Tyley was serious about his sister and he walked back into the mansion. Wondering how Ann was faring as he hadn't given her anything to eat He had been busy but now he was a little free, only the council meeting at Gold city kingdom that was remaining. Jason walked into the grand floor and he meet his father there . "Son.." "Greetings father" Jason replied. "Congratulations on your ordain " Alpha Eli spoked. "Thank you father." Jason was still eager to leave to his chamber. "I just want to have a word with you." "Okay Father." Jason walked back to meet his father and Alpha Eli spoked. "I don't want you to take Wise one Austin cursed to heart, and that way it wouldn't affect you." "I know father" Jason sighed. "Okay. How about you consider Emilia as your mate?. In five years time she will graduate and will be thought on how to be a good mate to you.." Jason frowned a little. "I don't like her father. Am still having nightmares about the past event. Max spirit wolf would hunt me if I accept his sister." Jason spoked as he stared away from his father. "You're the Alpha. And you have the ancestral protection Amulet. No spirit wolf can hunt you." Jason had completely forgotten about his neck chain and he sighed. "Fine father. I will think about it or still check among the young she-wolves to see whom among them I might like. But definitely not Emilia." "Okay Alpha." Alpha Eli spoked to lighten Jason's mood. And Jason smiled to his father. "Am hungry. Where's mom?. I need to eat something. Where's she?" Jason asked, not seeing his mother nor sisters around. "She has followed Penelope to her new home. She will be back in three days time." "Oh. Was that why she gave me fruits, to feed on?" Jason asked and his father laughed. "You can cook if that's what you want. But they had left after you blessed Penelope and her mate. You can feed on the animals and I think she still have some food in the kitchen." "Hmm.. is okay father. I will manage." Jason sighed and he walked back to the kitchen not murmuring nor saying anything in his mind as he knew his father would listened to him and he approached the cabinet and his mother truly left a pot of cooked meal there. He sighed and picked up a big spoon and he didn't even knew how to use it. But he held it and carefully dished out a large portion of the jollof scented rice into a bowl and he added some roasted antelope meat to take it to Ann. She was chubby and he wanted her to looked more cute than lean before he would devoured her. Satisfied with.the large portion he had dished out. He carried it out and took it to his chamber.
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