Marriage Refusal

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Jason didn't spoked neither did his father and the elders started murmuring again. "Silence!.." Wise one Austin yelled and he hit his red wolf rod to the floor while the elders all shunned up. "Alpha Eli. Your son is cursed and nothing that you can do to revoke it. The festival is tonight so is best he goes out all alone to hunt for a human to use in cleaning himself, else he will never be able to reproduce!" Wise one Austin warned and he walked away. Leaving the hall and the elders stared back to Alpha Eli and Jason still standing as the meeting hasn't ended yet. "Alpha, Don't you think Wise one Austin is right?. We all need the moon goddess blessings as you know she had been keeping us safe and we wouldn't want the humans to discover us out?" Gamma Kai asked and Alpha Eli sighed. "Is alright. If any of you can volunteer to leave the borders and go hunt for a human I will appreciate it in tenfold" Alpha Eli spoked and the hall fell in awkward silence. Not hearing any response from all of the elders as the hall fell in silence, and even a pin dropped could be heard, Alpha Eli dismissed the elders gathered. "This meeting has come to an end. See you all in the evening." Alpha Eli stood up and Jason smirked as he knew none of the elders were ready to die yet, nor sent there sons out to find a human to be used. The elders stood up from their seats and they started exiting the meeting hall one by one until Gamma Kai was the last elder left and he walked up to Jason and spoked. "Am aware Emilia likes you. But as you're cursed, I doubt she's truly your mate or you're hers, but I see she likes you." "Hmm.." Jason stared away and he walked away while he heard his father asked, "Are you sure about it, or you just want to give her to my son as compensation for his inability to perceive his mate?." "No Alpha. Emilia told me she sent flowers to Jason and I should help her talk to him. But we all know, all the young she-wolves likes Jason too, but being my daughter I just decided to propose her request to Jason myself." "Okay" Alpha Eli smiled in relieved. "I've to be on my way home now. Just help me tell Jason that he can have her, if he wants." "Okay." Alpha Eli replied and he watched Gamma Kai exited the mansion. He knew Jason wouldn't accept Gamma Kai's daughter as Jason still felt guilty about his two best friends dismissed. He sighed and stared back to his wife and daughters coming downstairs to finally have their breakfast. *** Mia was in her room still thinking about Jason. She wanted to disclosed to her friend that she has fallen in love with him, but she knew Addison Carter would scold her too for fallen in love with a stranger "What am I going to do?. When next would he visit again?. I just hope to see him soon" Mia smiled to herself as she walked back to her bed and sat down thinking about Jason again Her eyes seemed to glow unaware to her knowledge as she never knew she was a werewolf too. Samuel had begin his training lessons and he was determined to searched for the hideout of all the remaining wolves. He knew his uncle was still in suspicion about him but all that wasn't his concerned as he vowed to avenge his parent and sister's death. Seeing Mia grew into a young pretty woman, he couldn't helped but imagined how Ann could have looked, if Ann were to be alive. He knew Ann loves food and he sighed as he walked towards the dinning room to have breakfast with the rest of his family. Josiah stepped out first and Ivy followed suit, but they clearly hated him as they all sat round except for Mia whom he wondered where she was. "Samuel, where's your sister?" Joel finally asked him as he took his seat and peered at Samuel eagerly. It was a bright Saturday morning and he knew those strangers had weird features with how Samuel looked when he got out from prison. But his hands were tied as he had to trained Samuel as per their custom demanded. "I don't know Uncle. Probably she's in her room" Samuel replied but Josiah quickly chipped in. "Let me go and call her father. Am sure she must had forgotten." Joel wanted to refused his son from going to Mia's room but he decided to allowed Josiah called her downstairs as they were waiting to have breakfast as a family. Josiah pulled Mia's room door opened and as he stepped in, he was shocked to see her eyes glowing like lantern. "What are you doing here?" Mia asked him as she finally snapped out from her thought and she stared to him with narrowed eyes. "Father asked you to come downstairs for breakfast" Josiah replied as he swallowed back the heavy lump that had formed in his throat as he saw her eyes returned back to normal. "Where you practicing magic?. I saw your eyes glowed brightly yellow just now?" Josiah asked and Mia glared to him. "No!. Leave now. I will be downstairs soon and don't you dared to stepped into my chamber next time!." Josiah didn't wanted to annoyed Mia as he was obviously behaving like her puppet, So he left and went back downstairs. Mia breathed out but she was a little worried he stated her eyes had glowed and if she was practicing magic as she saw the surprised looked in his eyes. She adjusted her nightgown properly as she hasn't taken her bath and she walked out from her room and went downstairs to have breakfast with rest of the family. She saw Josiah smiling sweetly to her, but she stared away from him irritably as she shifted her gazed to her uncle and his wife and she greeted them, "Good morning uncle, Aunt." "Mia, what took you so long, just to stepped out for dinner?" Joel asked but she smiled remembering she had been thinking about Jason. "Nothing uncle, Am only just thinking about my life" Mia said. "Okay. Just know if you need anything you let your aunt or Ivy knows" Mr Joel spoked. "Okay uncle" Mia breathed out in relief and she smiled back to her elder brother. She tried not to speak in her mind as she knew Samuel would listened to her thought and she didn't wanted him to listened to her heart conversation about Jason. Picking up her teacup, she drank from her tea and smiled as she ate her bread slowly. Samuel was quiet all thru as he wasn't trying to read his sister's mind either. He knew he had warned her about Jason but it was so obvious she had fallen for the strange and her mood explained it all Just after breakfast, he walked up to her and dragged her outside of their mansion. "What's it brother?" Mia asked as she wanted to go and took her bath. "Sister, I need to speak with you about something" Samuel replied and he saw his uncle walked to the balcony at the second floor and stared to them below. "About what?. I want to go and take my bath first. Can't it wait?" Mia asked irritably but Samuel shook his head. "No. But I will wait for you to be true, meet me later after my coronation training is over." "Okay brother" Mia sighed and she walked back into the ground hall, taking the stairs and she went up to her mega room on the second floor. She saw Ivy standing but she stared away, while Ivy walked into her room, just as she was about to strip. "What do you want?" She asked Ivy whom smirked and walked up to meet her, and Ivy wrapped her both arms around her chest and warned. "I saw you smiling to our guest the previous day. Let me warn you!. You cannot marry him even though you come of age. You're to marry my brother and the earlier you know this, the better for us all." "What!. I cannot marry Josiah, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mia asked heartbreakingly now understanding why Josiah normally chased all her admirers away. Ivy walked to her room exit door and paused and she smirked. "You don't need to understand anything. Just note that the visitor and every other handsome and eligible bachelors are all mine!." Ivy shut the door closed and walked out and Mia felt her heart twisted in her chest. "No. She's lying and I cannot marry her brother. Is he not my cousin brother?. Cousins don't marry and I can never accept him." Mia gritted her teethes angrily and she thought to warn Josiah to stop having high hopes of her marrying him.
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