Troubled Heart

1592 Words
What do you mean father?" Jason asked and Alpha Eli sighed first. "Some silly rogues had long escaped as they thought they could frightened and threatened the humans, leading to the humans first discoveries about us. If not those silly rogues the humans would still be unaware of us till now, but those whom had dared to shapeshifted in front of the humans were killed as they couldn't shapeshifted back into their humans formed and they were burnt to ashes." "Hmm..." Jason frowned. "That's serious father, but I don't know if the princess and prince are aware of themselves as not truly being humans" Jason spoked and Alpha Eli sighed. "Why not get closer to them or invited them over?" Alpha Eli advised but Jason shook his head. "No father.. they might put me in danger as well, and besides I saw the way the princess, Mia, kept staring at me with Love" Jason replied and Alpha Eli stared to Jason surprisingly and smiled. "The princess?. Why not Invite her over then, Although you know our customary traditional. You let the werewolves know of the day she would be visiting so none of them would stepped out nor transformed." "No father." Jason immediately shook his head in rejection as he didn't supported the idea. "I need to go in now and rest father. Later we can discussed about this." Said Jason. "Alright." Alpha'Eli stood up and left and Jason sighed and stared away from the exit door that his father just walked out from. Just then Jason heard a knock on his sitting room again and the door pushed opened while his mother walked in as she carries a tray of roasted beef. "Jason. Welcome home." Jason smiled to his mother as she approached him and sat down beside him on his seat and Chloe picked up a pieces beef and ate it. "I heard your father spoked to you just now about the human princess. Is she really a werewolf like us?." "I don't know yet Mom. But I cannot invite her over. I don't like her" Jason stated and Chloe sighed. "You don't need to like her before you invite her over. She's a princess and if she's truly one of us, staying among the humans might endanger our lives and leads to us been exposed. Remember you said the humans are still searching for our hideout." "Hmm." Jason was silent. "Jason.." "Mother have heard you and I will think about it. Is that why you're here? Eavesdropping on father and I conversation is definitely punishable and you know this." "I know" Chloe smiled sweetly and she showed Jason the big tray containing the roasted beef. "Ava has found her mate and we're just waiting for the full wolf moon festival to arrive, am so happy she has accepted Tyler." "Hmm" Jason was still silent. "How about the mating lessons, have you considered to practice it yet?. Emilia was here earlier to searched for you?." "Mother.." Jason groaned. "I need to be alone for now. I want to freshen up and think about all these." Jason spoked and Chloe finally stood up from the wooden couch and she passed the tray to Jason. "You should eat this when you're thru with your bath, as it will give you more strength and when you're ready, you can invite Emilia over to know more about the mating lessons. I still don't know of the human princess yet. But you can try to consider any she-wolf you like apart from Emilia." "Alright mom. Have heard." Jason sighed heavily as Chloe shut the door closed and left his sitting room and he stared to the tray in his hands. "Mom surely knows how to garnish meals" Jason spoked and he took the tray along with him to his corridor door that was locked. Unlocking the door and pushing it opened, Jason walked in and locked the door back as the delicious feminine scent of the beautiful white human fanned his nose. Jason kept the tray down on a table in his bedroom and he sauntered closer to meet Ann sleeping on his bed. Ann had fallen asleep on Jason's bed while trying to rest on the hairy mattress. Ann had wondered how they made the hairy bedspread so hairy and soft as she had never seen such hairy bedspread before from the little memory of her previous princess life that she had. Ann rolled over on the bed and was sleeping peacefully unaware to her that Jason had stepped into his bedroom. Jason approached Ann sleeping and he stared to her pretty chubby face. "She's cute" Said Jason and his green sharp eyes travelled down Ann's face and down to her chest and he remembered the feel of sucking her bossom. Jason subconsciously touched Ann's bossom and Ann's eyes immediately flung opened feeling his domineering presence around her. "Ah!, oh my!" Ann immediately rolled away from his bed and fell out and as she stood up to run back to her room, but Jason caught her and stood rightly in front of her. "Let me go!" Ann said but Jason smiled first. "Why?" Jason asked raising a brow but Ann quickly stared away from him not wanting to meet his gazed as she remembered the last time that his hot lips had captured her boobs. Jason stared to Ann's height and as he had stood closer to Mia too earlier in the day and just returning from Gold City, Jason spoked, "Your sister is so taller than you." "Don't you dare to mentioned my sister again you beast!." Ann cursed and Jason only smiled. Ann saw Jason looked handsome as she hardly stared to his face whenever he smiled. "Why shouldn't I spoked about your sister?. She likes me and here you are hating on me." Jason smirked and Ann frowned. "She likes you only because she doesn't know the beast you truly are. And I doubt is my sister you're talking about." Ann wanted to ran away but Jason quickly caught her again as she was driving him insane with her sharp mouth and he also loved the sound of her voice as it made his muscles hardened. "Where are you running too?. Do you want me to turn you into a wolf too now?." Jason held Ann closer to his chest like he wanted to bite her and Ann shuddered in fright as her soft chubby body collided with his hard toned muscular body. "No.. please let me go." Ann begged not wanting for Jason to took any advantage of her. "I sometimes wished you truly liked me like your sister truly does. She's truly a wolf and it not also safe for her staying in Gold city palace either with your brother. If the humans found out. They would both be killed and burned to deàth." "Ahh!" Ann shuddered afraid as she didn't wanted for her remaining family to be killed. "What are they going to do?" Ann asked and Jason sighed. "I don't also know, if they will agree to stay here. Your brother is supposed to be the next ruler, but with the suspicion and rumors still ongoing about your late father's death. The ruling position is still on hold and might be shifted as you brother slightly exposed his trait" Jason smirked and he saw the sad look curved on Ann's face. "How did he exposed himself?. I don't want my brother or sister to be killed or you're just lying to me about this?. To deceive me." Ann's eyes narrowed at Jason while Jason drew closer to Ann and he raised her head to face him. "Why would I lied to you about this?." Jason eyes meet Ann's blue sharp eyes and he stared to her natural pink lips. Most female wolves had brown or black lips and even Mia's lips were brown, but Ann lips was so pink like the rose and he wanted to kissed her there, not knowing if he could or shouldn't. Jason's anger subtly boiled as he became in turmoil and started fighting his wolf and he walked away from Ann and spoled, "You can go back to your room." Ann stared to Jason not understanding him and she sighed as she didn't wanted to questioned him seeing his eyes burned greener. Ann immediately ran back into the room given to her and she didn't locked her door as she walked to her bed to think about what he just said to her. "How're Mia and Samuel wolves?. No!. He's lying to me and I shouldn't just believed him. How can he even get to Gold City and they didn't captured him nor killed him too?." Ann continued to questioned herself and Jason heard her. Jason sighed as he fought his urge to claimed her forcefully and he calmed and walked back to the tray of roasted beef that his mother had given to him earlier. Jason knew Ann didn't believed him, but he wasn't ready to forced her yet. So he took the tray of beef and walked back to her room to meet her as he clearly heard her murmuring. "Care to eat?. Mother gave it to me and I've almost forgotten" Jason asked and Ann stared away. "No, am not hungry" Ann frowned and pouted her lips, but Jason rather walked up to her bed in the center of the large room and dropped the tray containing the delicious roasted meat garnished with fresh pepper sauce on her bed.
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