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Kill her? ******** Almost all of Razia's joints hurt as she laid by the small thin fabric she usually laid on whenever going to sleep. She had done so much chores, her body ached so much and immediately she laid against the hard floor, her eyes shut closed as she couldn't wait to fall into a deep slumber but unfortunately, it seemed that wasn't going to happen any time soon as she felt a kick by her limb. Opening her eyes, she was met with her sister's face towering over her. Tiredly, she got into a sitting position. "What is it now, Fina?" Her voice barely came out as tiredness was the only thing spouting from her. "How dare you sleep when There's no water in this house." spouted Fina who looked like she was fully embarked for this. Razia could only sigh tiredly before replying. "I'll fetch some by the morning, at the moment I'm—" "What?! Morning? Who do you think you are to make that choice? You're going to go get water, right now!" "Fina please, I’m tir—" "Seems you'd like to sleep outside tonight then, I'll just let mother know of this." said Fina while keeping her arms in akimbo. "Fina, please and. Besides, there's enough water to go on for." "Mother!" yelled Fina only to have Razia widen her eyes in alert. The last thing she would want was for mother, if she should even call her that, to come into the picture cause going to get water from the stream by This time would seem like a better option compared to what mother would do to her, so heistly, she got up, going straight to the storage, she grabbed a brég shell which people in the village, used mostly for gathering water as it was known to be big and strong enough. Rubbing her eyes, she dragged her footsteps out, going to the stream which was unfortunately located through the woods. Usually, whenever she went for water in the day, other maidens were there as well but compared to now, the place looked like a haunted ghost forest and the only thing she wanted to do was get out of here as fast as she could. Dipping the shell in the flowing water, she dragged it out, reducing most of its content seeing as it would be too heavy for her to lift alone and just when she was about to place it to her head. SWISH! A long perg sound was heard just by her left and luckily, she was quick to move, letting the sharp tip of an arrow miss her only to nail into the tree in front of the stream. The sound of the broken shell was the only thing she heard as she ran for her dear life. Hunters. Did they think she was an animal by accident? Razia wanted to stop and yell to them to know she wasn't an animal but just then, an invisible force hit her from behind making her thumb to the ground. She tried getting up but something invincible held her down. She thought they would let her go once they saw she wasn't an animal but when she saw the blade being held up to her face, she knew they weren't hunters but from the royal guard. Fear began to rise in her as she thought of a billion things they could do to her considering the cruel stories she had heard from people about the royal guards. Would they kill her? No, they probably would defame her womanhood first before killing her. At this point, she was trembling, sleeping outside seemed like a better option at this point as her whole body trembled with fear. "Lift your face." She shuddered at the cold blade which torched her chin and obediently, she slowly lifted her face only to see the cold stare from the knight in front of her. Silence reigned for a while, the knight stayed as though waiting for instructions but not getting any type, he lifted his sword about to strike. My eyes shot reflexively as I already said my last prayers, I had really thought that maybe I would die one day in a different way but I guess this was the way the gods had planned my end. I braced myself for the impact when. "Wait." A deep raspy voice ordered and when she didn't feel the impact from the blade, her eyes slowly opened to see the sword's side just a few meters from her neck.
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