
202 Words
It all began with a small act of love, an act that made a baby girl who was called as the bastard child, "I will be sure you are married to the first man who comes up and proposes to you" her father yelled slapping her in the face and taking his gun from one of his desk drawers. "Father no! I beg of you Andrias and I can marry" she begged but to no avail her father was set on killing the man who made his daughter pregnant. "You are lucky that I haven't shot the child, get her out of my sight" he told the girl's mother who grabbed her arm making the girl almost drop the child at the sudden rough movement. "Mother please stop him" the girl begged her mother as tears fell from her eyes. "You have disgraced him and the family, you should consider yourself lucky that you and your child are still breathing" was all the mother said before pushing her daughter back in her room and locking the door, locking the girl and her daughter inside. "It is all your fault" the mother stared at her innocent daughter "had you not been born Andrias wouldn't be facing this fate"
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