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The dorm life is something I am still trying to get accustomed to, but deep down I know I’m not cut out for it. Admittedly moving around campus have been easier for me and I attend classes now. When I stayed alone in my apartment, moving out of the house was a major problem except if going out meant I was going for basketball training or I was hanging out with friends. “Hey Jay, what’s good?” I looked up and saw one of my teammates Kendall giving me a handshake. I shook them (Kendall is non binary and a very cool person I like very much among the guys on the basketball team) and we fist bumped. “Nothing much, practice today was thorough”. Kendall chuckled, “I know right? I don’t think coach wants us to lose like we did last year”. “I think so too”. “Yes, I mean you are our new captain. So yay for us”, Kendall winked and patted me on my shoulder, leaving me alone again in the locker room. I hurriedly packed up my stuff to also leave, the thought of going back to the dorm again hit me and I groaned. “I really hate it there”. I just got to my car when I saw my best friend waving and jogging towards me. “What’s good bro?”
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