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Emma's POV I was already on my second cup of whatever mixture Maya had been mixing. The feeling I had was freeing and I was dancing recklessly with Maya by my side. We got tired after a while and went to sit on a couch some where in the sitting room. "I want to feel this way forever", Maya said as she hugged me tight. " I promise, we are so drunk", I giggled as I hugged her too. My drink sloshed in my cup and I gasped, giggling awkwardly. Suddenly a shadow fell on us and we looked up, it was Tyler looking down at us amusingly. "Already drunk?" Maya scurried to her feet. "Babbbbbyyyy", she drawled. " No no, we are not drunk. Just tipsy, what's up, I missed you". She stretched even in her heels and kissed him. He kissed her back and then stopped. "Since you are not so drunk, care to join a game of truth and dare?" Maya looked down and turned her questioning gaze at me. "Sure, let's go". I stood up and finished the last of my drink. Maya cheered and we linked hands as we followed Tyler's lead to where the game is holding. We entered a room that looked like a lounge and saw that there were some people there already, sitting down in a circle. I stepped over to some girl wearing a purple gown side and sat down, while Tyler and Maya got comfortable somewhere across from me. Someone from the circle cleared their throats and welcomed everyone to the game, then the rules were stated and made sure everyone understood it. I tried to look around to see if I knew anyone else aside from Tyler and Maya but failed miserably. In my drunk state, I could not figure out anyone else so I gave up. The game started as the bottle was spun and it landed on a girl with a dress on that would shame even Lilith.
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