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Hey”, I woke Maya up after checking the time. I need to go to Asher’s house and it’s getting late. “Mmhmm”, she groaned and turned in the bed. After watching the show, we were feeling sleepy and had gone into the room for a quick nap. I picked up my phone and sent Asher a quick ‘wyd’ message. He replied, ‘nothing much, still want to come over?’ I shot him a ‘yes’ and turned to Maya again. “Hey”, I tapped her again. “I have to go to Asher’s”. “Mmhmm, okay. Pick up pizza on your way back”. She sleepily told me. I rolled my eyes, Maya and sleep are like two peas in a pod. I went into the bathroom and freshened up then left the house, taking a cab to Asher’s place. I knocked on his door, when I arrived at his place. Someone answered ‘the door is open’ from inside and I tried the door knob, it opened and I stepped inside. I met Asher’s roommate sprawled on the couch and playing a video game. “Hi Daniel”. He removed his headset that wasn’t even properly on his ears and greeted me with a grin. “Emma bear”, he drawled. That is the name he calls me, he said because I look so cuddly like a teddy bear. Therefore the nickname. “When did you get to this town?” “This morning. Is Asher in?” Immediately I mentioned Asher’s name, something like guilt or pity flashed across his eyes, or was I imagining it? Just as quick as it came, it went away and in its place was Daniel’s smiling eyes. “He is inside his room. Welcome back kiddo”. He turned back to his game, while I found my way to my boyfriend’s room. I knocked once and opened the door to Asher’s room. He was laying face down on his bed, with his hands on the pillow and his face on them. I walked over gently to him and climbed on his back, balancing my weight and kissing the back of his neck. “Hey baby”, I quietly whispered into his ears. I knew he was awake by now, Asher is not a deep sleeper. Sure enough, he flipped me easily and I landed my back on the bed, he used one of his hand to pin my both hands up above my head as he put just half his weight on my body, pinning me down totally. I stared up at his sleepy face and looked into his eyes. His lips soon descended on mine and I got lost in the kiss as quickly as he started kissing me. His hands started traveling along my body, trailing down paths that were supposed to make me shiver but I felt nothing. It has been like this ever since, the kisses and touches girls always scream about that lit up their insides did nothing to me and I often wondered if something was wrong with me.
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