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Jordan’s POV “Dad you can’t be serious about this”. “I am, you’re moving to the dorms, your grades have been so poor lately. You need to focus”. I could only stare at my father in shock, my father is the most understanding person ever, so seeing that his mind was made up already on this decision there was nothing I could say that would make him change his mind, nothing, not even being his favorite child could save me this time. I ran upstairs to my room and carried my basketball, before coming back down with the same energy and out to the backyard where there was a mini basketball court. Using all my energy, I began bouncing the ball around and throwing it into the hoop, continuously with my headset on playing loud hip hop music into my ears. Let me give a little introduction of myself. My name is Jordan, Jordan smith. Yes I’m a girl and yes Jordan is a unisex name. I get that a lot whenever I tell people my name, especially since I like to dress in a masculine way. I’m a girl but I feel more comfortable wearing boy’s clothes. I grew up with two elder brothers, I’m the last child and only daughter. Basketball has also been my thing right from when I was a little girl, I used to follow my dad to my elder brother’s game and the love and passion for the game just grew on me. I turned around to shoot the ball into the hoop again and saw someone staring at me, her name is Bianca. Bianca is someone I see on and off, not really dating. I don’t do dating.
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