Secrets left behind (II)

1505 Words

Alexander's POV Marks' question was met with silence as Amelia sat up in bed and sat up against the headboard. From where I sat at the side of the bed I could see her mind working through the reasons as to why her mother was brought up all of a sudden. While her face was still stoic and cold, there were little tones of confusion shining through. My instincts told me to move closer, to comfort her and to protect her, but I knew that it would only crowd her and make this already difficult situation even worse. "Amelia, what do you know about your mother? She was a pack Luna, but she died when you were young, right? Do you remember anything about her? How did she behave towards the rest of the pack?" Mark asked again with a concerned look on his face. "Well... not much. I was very young

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