1591 Words

SERAPHINA’S POV The day after the freakish incident, Olivia and I silently decide not to discuss it. I'm grateful for that. Addressing it would mean facing whatever is awakening inside me. These strange occurrences only make me feel like I'm genuinely a magnet for disaster. I mean, think about it. What else would explain what I did to Olivia? Suddenly, I, a mere human girl, powerful enough to send a werewolf soaring across a room during one of my episodes. And then there's that mysterious woman who kissed my forehead. I have this nagging feeling that I know her, and uncovering her identity might help with my ongoing identity crisis. These thoughts keep my mind occupied for the most part until I step out of the female dorm, bag in tow, to see Artemis leaning against a wall, deep i

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