1685 Words

ARTEMIS’ POV Her heart's pounding, a rhythm almost as loud as mine, thumping like it wants to break free from my ribcage. I muster a cool smile to hide my jitters. Words are just too weak to capture the storm of emotions swirling in me from finally seeing her—those hypnotic green eyes, after days locked away in that boring, soul-sucking room. Days without her voice, her laugh, the comfort of her presence. Days that drove me nearly mad, figuring out that nothing—absolutely nothing—mattered more than getting out and getting to her. My wolf is practically buzzing inside me, itching to close the distance between us. It craves the simple comfort of her nearness, aching to breathe in her scent like an addict in withdrawal. I want all of that—Goddess, how I want it. But I hold back, e

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