1774 Words

SERAPHINA’S POV I make it back to school an hour later, sneaking into the school premises the same way I got out, through a small dog hole in the fence. I don't stop running until I'm bursting through the door of my dorm room, breathing fast and clutching the book to my chest. Olivia looks up at me, startled by my sudden appearance. She gets up from her bed, pulling her glasses out of the way to look at me. "Where have you been all day? School was over like 4 hours ago, Sera," she queries. I move to the center of the room, settling on the rug we have. The blood stains from before are only partially there. After hours of scrubbing, we managed to get some of it out, leaving a dull brown stain shaped like a flower on one end. I settle on it, dropping the book in front of me and look

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