1031 Words

King Jon's POV I turned on the gas cooker. I've not attempted to cook my entire life. I have tons of maids to cook every type of dish I would ever crave, but here I was trying to make my mother's favorite soup recipe for Sephora. I felt it again, the urgent need to be by her side, it's been up to three hours and I haven't gone to see how she was doing. She was probably up by now, the healer had said so himself. And then I felt the rising pressure in my loins. I felt guilty because I shouldn't be having such thoughts, not while she was still in a sick bed but I couldn't help it, not after that night. I looked at the sky. There was no moon and the stars were taking a break for today. But it was a beautiful sight to behold. Automatically my mind traveled back to Sierra and the ministers.

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