1375 Words

King Jon's Pov I glanced at Sephora and from the look on her face, it seemed she didn't do such a thing but how could I beat the evidence? It was right before my eyes. I still couldn't believe she was the same person in the photograph, it felt surreal but there it was so clear. The shock on her face made me think otherwise, “Alpha, you have seen everything for yourself, so I would advise you to settle this matter as soon as possible. This woman is nothing but a snitch. She's working with Jasper to bring you down, even to the extent of getting intimate with him.” Watching Sephora, she clenched her fist in anger and was about to punch the Minister's face, he stood rooted to the ground with a smile on his face. It seemed he wanted it, but before her punch could get to him–I stopped her.

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