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King Jon’s POV The incident that just took place was taking over me. I was patiently waiting for Sephora to return so I could hear from her. But then, I was scared that something would happen to her since she was alone out there. I thought of sending out the guards after they were awake, but my Beta was against it. “I trust her, she can handle the situation. The guards are still recovering from the gas they inhaled, and no one knows the route she took.” he had explained. Even though he was making sense, I still wished for her to return safely. “Who do you think is behind this?” I asked my Beta. He rolled his eyes, “Anyone eager to take away your position will want you dead, but we can't tell who the person will be.” he replied. I suspect that it must be one of the ministers because, on my coronation day, few had this unhappy look on. The door was opened and Sierra walked in. I felt bad because I had thought it was Sephora. She came to me and embraced me, I had to hold myself to not push her away. “My brother sent for me, but I ran back here immediately I got the news of the King being in danger,” she muttered but I hissed aloud. She let go of me, shocked by my reaction. “Aren't you going to forgive me?” “Tell me why I should when you left my side…” I growled and she held my hands looking me in the eyes. “But I just apologized. I'm very sorry.” she pleaded, but I saw no sincerity within her. I know that I'm playing games with her and she isn't aware, but that doesn't mean she doesn't look suspicious in this case. Again, the door was opened, and this time it was Sephora. Her eyes caught Sierra and she rushed to her, drew her out of my side, and held her from the back. I had thought it was just a mere jealousy like always, but I think it was beyond that. She pulled out her sword, placed it on her neck, and stepped backward. I made a move but she almost threw her sword at me. “I promised to behead her if she knew anything about this—you thought it was a joke right? Come closer and you'll join her.” she barked and quaked Sierra that she lost balance. She must have found out the truth and it has to do with Sierra, her leave from the palace was suspicious—why must it be at that time? “Tell me everything you know about those assassins, I already promised your brother that I'll start with you,” she said to Sierra and I froze at that moment. I know Jasper as the last mate who rejected Sephora, I just hope it's not what I'm thinking. Is he truly trying to take my throne and her sister is faking ignorance huh? Or is he after Sephora that he rejected? My eyes met my Beta who was as well shocked to hear Sephora say that. “You won't say anything?” she yelled at her and Sierra shook her head. “I know nothing, he only sent for me and I didn't even see him at home…” she replied. Sephora nodded. “I see! He set the King up and sent you out knowing that you might be hurt huh? Did he forget that I'm here…?” before my two eyes, Sephora left a cut on Sierra's throat, she was bleeding and she didn't care. “How dare that asshole plot rebellion on my mate even when he knows you're pissing me off here? You either stop him or I'll finish you first before I go after him,” she warned and stormed out of the room. That was indeed a drama. She just called me her mate, she still sees me as her mate. “Why can't you just tell me that you want to be mine, Sephora?” I thought and walked to Sierra who held her bleeding throat. “Don't mind her, she's a werewolf and can't do anything to your brother…I trust you and your brother—she's just being jealous.” I smiled at her and helped her up. She must believe me, I need her to trust me that she will tell me everything. “But, do you know what your brother is up to?” I asked her and she shook her head. “I only know that he wants Sephora back and is sad that you took her and even made her your right-hand servant,” she uttered and the bleeding increased. My Beta already left to call the physician, so I helped her sit and then I tied a piece of cloth around his neck so the bleeding would stop until the physician came around. ~ In the evening, I went to Sephora, who has been in the backyard since she wounded Sierra. I just hope she wasn't feeling guilty because I loved her actions. I tapped her and she didn't bother to turn. “I perceived your scent already,” she said without taking a glance at me. I loved it that she finally perceived my scent, at least she would strongly believe that we were mates—that is because she's beginning to think over the matter. “What are you thinking about?” I asked her, my palms on her shoulder. She finally turned. “Aren't you mad that I hurt your Luna? I did it out of anger, and I'll say that it's the beginning.” “It's the beginning? What made you say that, I thought you would apologize and promise not to do that again. Are you doing it because of me? You called me your mate back then, are you going to accept me…?” I bombarded her with questions while she just watched my lips move. She scoffed. “You're talking too much, take a breath and then continue.” “I'm just curious, I'm not mad at you because I knew you found something that has to do with her,” I added. She nodded. “I know the faces of those ministers, they are plotting rebellion with her brother. She might be less blinkered about what's going on or just faking ignorance, but before her brother takes her to another King as the Luna, I need to damage her first—there's no way they will hurt me and my mate and go scot-free again.” I smiled widely. She just called me her mate again. “You think it's funny huh?” she hissed and was about to turn but I held her from doing that. “Is he mad at me because I kept you next to me? He wants you back right?” her eyes grew wide. “She told you but claims to know nothing. Should I even fight for you?” she bit her lips. What a stubborn lady, thinking if she will protect her King or not. Who does that? “It's your responsibility, so you must guard me through all these…” I said to her, making her throw heavy glares at me. If looks were bullets, I'd be dead through her. “I'm not done with her unless her brother stops,” she remarked and I loved that. I'm so lucky to have someone like her as my mate. “The councils are gathered.” that was from my Beta. “I'll go in there with you, so I'll show you those old geezers that I saw with your Luna's brother,” she whispered to me. I sighed. “You're trying everything possible for me to hate her when you don't want me.'' I wanted to piss her off. She stared at me for a while. “You can go to hell with her then.” She slammed and walked ahead of me but I ordered her to stop. “You must stay by my side.” She waited until I reached where she was and we walked along together until we entered the assembly chamber. A heavy noise broke out immediately, I wondered what caused the noise. When I sat on my throne, Sephora was standing beside me. “Greetings, Your Majesty!” They all chorused and bowed. The chief minister walked out. “We are gathered here today because of the werewolf female standing beside you.” I glanced at Sephora and she winked her eyes, that was a sign that he was among the men she saw. “Any problems with that?” “Only a male Lycan guard will do that. The only female to stay at your side is your Luna—and must be a Lycan too.” these old geezers, how dare they try to make a new law? The previous king made peace between the Lycans and Werewolves, and since then we are all one ... That's why I was mated to her. How dare they try to rephrase things when they don't have the right to? “Your Majesty, you must let her go back to her pack. She can't be your guard nor your Luna—not even a concubine.” another added. Sephora flicked her finger and I caught the sign immediately. One of them walked out again and she made the same sign. They want me down by all means, and they're the only ones speaking here. “Well, there's no law that I can't have a female warrior as my guard, because that won't stop her from serving everyone in terms of safety. And, it's not a crime for a Lycan to get married to a Werewolf—so look for a better reason for her to step down from her position." I referred to them all. The chief minister walked out, that chameleon. “She's plotting to rebel against you with her ex–mate that dumped her. They have already reconciled and are out to bring you down.” My eyes met with that of Sephora immediately.
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