The Hotspring

1987 Words
As the bus finally rolled to a stop, Elora's heart quickened with excitement mingled with a tinge of sorrow. Stepping off the bus, she was greeted by the crisp mountain air and the majestic sight of the exclusive ski resort. The location they arrived at was an exclusive ski resort nestled within the territory of the royal werewolf pack, a mere 20 minutes from the border. This resort, with its luxurious amenities and breathtaking views, was a testament to the strong ties between the Black Forest pack and the esteemed royal family. Year after year, the Black Forest pack was granted access to this prestigious location for their senior trip, thanks to the enduring relationship between the two packs. It was a tradition deeply cherished by the students, offering them a chance to unwind and celebrate the end of their high school journey in style. The presence of the teachers as supervisors and guardians only added to the sense of security surrounding the trip. Excited chatter filled the air as her classmates disembarked, their voices echoing against the backdrop of the towering mountains. Elora couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as she took in the beauty of the surroundings. It was a stark reminder of the limitations imposed by her newfound status as an omega. "Lina, do you see this?" Elora whispered softly; her voice tinged with sadness. "It's so beautiful here." Her wolf's response was a melancholic whimper, echoing the sorrow that weighed heavy on Elora's heart. In the past, as a beta, Elora had envisioned a different path. Graduating from high school, she had planned to pursue her dreams of becoming a doctor, immersing herself in the human world and attending a medical school before returning to the royal pack for another three years of training under senior shifter doctors. But now, as an omega, those dreams felt like distant memories. As the evening descended upon the resort, the atmosphere shifted into one of excitement and celebration. Teenagers flooded the main terrace, laughter and music filling the air as they danced and enjoyed the freedom of their senior trip. Elora observed from a distance, initially tense with the fear of potential conflict with her sister and her clique. However, to her surprise, they seemed to be acting civilly, choosing to ignore her rather than cause trouble. The following morning brought more exploration and adventure as the group set out to discover the surrounding area. Despite her initial reservations, Elora found herself gradually relaxing into the rhythm of the trip. As the day progressed, the anticipation grew among the girls as they planned to visit the hot springs on the south side of the resort. Elora watched with a mix of longing and uncertainty as the others prepared to depart, feeling a pang of exclusion. However, her thoughts were interrupted by Alena's unexpected approach. "Why are you just standing there? Go grab your suit and let's go," Alena said with a grimace, her tone impatient. "You can't delay all of us." “You want me to come?” Elora asked, confused. “Don’t exaggerate, please. The teachers told us that in order to allow us on this trip, all the girls need to be present, so move,” her sister replied, rolling her eyes. Elora was taken aback by the inclusion, her heart fluttering with a mix of surprise. Nodding, she dashed inside to retrieve her swimsuit, determined not to miss out on this opportunity. Within minutes, she rejoined the group, ready to embark on the adventure into the forest towards the hot springs, her anticipation building with each step. As they arrived at the hot springs, the excitement among the group was palpable. Elora felt a surge of exhilaration coursing through her veins as she watched the girls eagerly jump into the water, their laughter echoing through the forest. With a sense of liberation, she shed her clothes and remained in her swimsuit, immersing herself in the warm embrace of the springs, feeling the tension melt away with each passing moment. She left her backpack on a nearby rock, eager to fully immerse herself in the experience. As the afternoon unfolded, refreshments were provided for everyone, and the air was filled with the sounds of chatter and laughter. Elora glanced around and noticed that everyone had a bottle of orange juice, a welcome relief on a hot day. Suddenly, Danielle's voice cut through the tranquility, breaking Elora's reverie. "Hey, omega!" she shouted, tossing a bottle of orange juice in Elora's direction. Elora caught it with a surprised look, feeling a pang of discomfort. However, she quickly brushed it aside, determined not to let it spoil the moment and grateful for the refreshment which she drank from a few long sips. After some more swimming and laughter, the group settled on their towels to bask in the sun. Elora, feeling utterly content, closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax on her towel, but before realising she was already asleep. As Elora stirred from her nap, a disorienting discomfort prickled beneath her skin, unsettling her senses. She felt hot flashes under her skin, making her uncomfortable and very hot. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she realized with a start that the sun was dipping low. Confusion knitted her brows as she scanned the area, expecting to find her companions from the hot spring trip. But they were nowhere to be seen. A sinking feeling settled in her chest as she absorbed the harsh reality of being left behind. She decided to get dressed quickly and follow them, but panic bubbled up within her as she frantically searched for her belongings—her clothes, her backpack, her phone—all of which had disappeared without a trace. Tears welled in her eyes as she grappled with the stark truth of her abandonment in the forest. "No, this can't be happening," she whispered to herself. Desperation clawed at her as she called out for Lina, her wolf, hoping for some semblance of comfort or guidance. "Lina, where are you?" she cried out, her voice tinged with fear. But there was no response, only silence echoing back at her. Fear tightened its grip on her heart as she weighed her options, feeling the darkness that would come soon. With trembling hands and ragged breaths, she knew that her only chance of survival lay in shifting into her wolf form and trying to reach the resort at the earliest possible. "Please, Lina, we have to do this, where are you?" she pleaded, her voice trembling with urgency. But as she reached out to connect with her wolf, there was nothing—no reassuring presence, no familiar warmth, only a void of silence that left her more panicked as she realised that she is alone in the forest, only in a swimming suit and a small towel, without her wolf. Plus, the hot flashes from under her skin started to drive her crazy. What was happening? As Elora cautiously scanned her surroundings, hoping for a sign of rescue, her heart leaped with relief at the sound of twigs snapping nearby. Perhaps the teachers had finally realized she was missing and come to find her. But her relief turned to terror when she saw two mangled wolves with yellow eyes emerging from the shadows, their growls echoing ominously in the stillness of the forest. Panic surged through her veins as she recognized them as rogues. She took a step back, her mind racing with fear, but they began to circle her, their predatory instincts kicking in. In a trembling voice, she tried to reason with them, hoping to appeal to their remaining humanity. "Please, I don't want to hurt you, I’m just passing by," she pleaded, her voice quivering with desperation. But to her horror, the wolves shifted into two gaunt men, their sinister gazes raking over her with predatory hunger. The sight sent a shiver down her spine as they exchanged suggestive glances, their intentions clear even without words. Elora's mind raced with fear as she realized the dire situation she was in as she squeezed her tiny towel harder around her body. "My man, I believe we found ourselves a delicious snack, what do you say?" one of them grinned at the other one. "Oh yeah, man, I can't wait to make her scream while I f**k her ass." the other one replied. "You smell f*****g delicious," the first one grunted, his eyes blazing as he took in her figure, his gaze lingering on the curve of her breasts and on her bare legs. "Indeed, she is smelling insane, and I just realized that maybe our little prize is in heat. What a luck," the second one continued, "Don't worry sweetie, we will help you with your heat and even more," he grinned as he started to stroke his c**k. Elora felt how the sky crashed as she realized that she was doomed and finally making sense of her hot flashes. Tears welled in her eyes, realizing that despite whatever she would do, she would be raped and that she would lose her virginity to them. She shouted inside her mind, "Lina” Lina! Please wake up, I beg you! Where you are?" but her shouts were met with silence. Elora was now on her own and the only thing that she could do was fight. The men closed in; cruel grins etched on their faces. One grabbed her arms, pinning them behind, while the other reached down, pulling the towel away, exposing her flawless skin to the cool forest air. "That's it, my pretty," said the wolf, who had control of her arms, "Let us explore every inch of you." he slurred, licking her face with her disgusting tongue. She struggled against them with all her might, but they outmatched her strength, and with her vision now blurred by her stinging tears, they easily overpowered her. "Please, don't do this. I'm begging you," she sobbed, hot tears streaming down her face, her voice cracking from sheer panic. The one holding her arms in place had slipped his other hand up her thigh, squeezing and groping her flesh, feeling her heat, while forcing her legs apart. She started to kick and scream, trying to break free of their grasp, but they just laughed, their eyes wild and feral. "That's the spirit, love. Fight me, f**k me," he growled close to her ear, grunting as his rough fingers found their way between her legs, trying to touch her folds, probing, testing her entrance. He let out a sigh of satisfaction, feeling her slick wetness. "She is definitely in heat, this is a true treat, let’s show the lady what we can do," she could almost hear the ecstasy in his voice as he pushed her on the ground. She continued to scream and fight, but they were just too powerful for her. One of them grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head while the second one placed himself between her legs. Mercilessly, he spread her thighs apart, revealing her wet core to their hungry gazes. Elora was left defenseless, trembling at the mercy of these two s****l predators. The one between her legs leaned in, his eyes burning with unrestrained lust. He reached down to rip open the remnants of Elora's flimsy swimsuit, exposing her firm, perky breasts and taunted n*****s. She saw him greedily drink in the sight, his tongue tracing his lips, hungry for a taste. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Her first time should have been an intimate, sensual sharing of love with her mate, but instead she was in this nightmare. "You two animals, stop what you're doing!" she cried out, her voice hoarse from screaming. She realized that the inevitable would happen every minute from now, so with her last strength she screamed one last time, “Help!”
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