CHAPTER 55: Probation Worker

1933 Words

“Is that … ” André trailed and narrowed his eyes to a squint as he tried making out the faint image of what looks like their probation worker sitting on the hood of his car, waiting for them with huge bags. “Yep. That’s our probation worker.” The horror on André’s face was unmeasured. “Please, tell me he’s not—” “He has to, unfortunately,” Noah said, cutting him off, and pulled over at the spot next to the probation worker’s car. “Under the federal law, unless we’re accompanied by him, we can’t go out of this country.” André’s jaw literally dropped to the ground, and Shaun who was sitting behind him frowned. “Wait, what was his name again?” “Who cares? We’re going to be stuck with him for two weeks. That’s what you should be thinking about.” “What’s up, you wastes of oxygen?” the ora

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