CHAPTER 16: Fiancee

2759 Words

“I’m going out.” “Yeah, out of your f*****g mind.” André gave Noah a piercing look as he fixed his black leather jacket over his button-downs, messing his already tousled hair. Not giving him any more attention, André went straight for his wallet that was sitting just beside an alarm clock that read, ‘11:14 PM’. “You’re gonna get caught,” Noah warned, frowning at him as he checked his phone for the Uber he ordered. “Nah. Unless of course if you snitch, then there’s gonna be a real problem.” The corner of André’s lips twitched up into a smirk and he gazed at him meaningfully, his usually inviting blue eyes suddenly looking dangerous. “And what makes you certain that I’m not gonna tell anyone?” “Simple. Because you’re coming with me.” But before André could even get his hands on him,

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