CHAPTER 20: New Girl

1939 Words

“Is that a hickey?” André sucked in an annoyed breath before turning sharply to face Remiel who had been sitting on the seat just behind him. They were already on their second period in class but not a minute went by when no one asked him about the red spot on his neck. “Quit acting like it’s your first time seeing it, alright? It’s not as if Wylan doesn’t have one of these things every time he goes out with a girl.” Remiel just gave him a lopsided smile, shaking his head softly. “But you’re not Wylan,” He leaned in closer, “and I heard that you were with Verity when that thing appeared. Are you finally getting back together?” “Shut it, will you? Besides, I don’t think she likes me anymore.” Remiel just cackled at seeing André acting like this. He was almost always used to him being

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