CHAPTER 47: Fail

2541 Words

“Good afternoon, class,” Yuri greeted as he dropped his books on the table in a more precarious fashion than usual. He looked tired, like he had just wrestled a bear and lost miserably. His hair was messy in some places and his eyebags are visible even from where André sat — a very big indicator that his visit to Belgium didn’t go quite as well as he had obviously anticipated. Hell, he could sign up for Walking Dead and totally blend in. “So … ” he started, sighing, and sat on top of his table which was very unlike him at all. He sounded like one of those teachers that does that whenever they’re about to go into a full blown lecture about how there was only one person in the room who passed the test. And just then, André realized what this all might be. “f**k, he’s holding the test

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