Chapter 1-2

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Caleb took Highway 27 up to the Four Corners area, where traffic from four counties blended, encountering traffic lights in the sprawl. When he finally hit the interstate, he headed east for downtown Orlando, passing through the tourist traffic near Disney and then the ever-present construction traffic that snarled around the Universal Studios exit. As he passed the next string of exits, he saw the small cluster of high rises that announced Orlando proper. It marketed itself as the City Beautiful and from the distance, it appeared that way. Sebastian had texted earlier that he was working at the station until six. Since it was five-thirty when Caleb arrived at the television channel, he pulled into the parking lot and debated if he should walk in the building. After a couple of minutes had passed, he turned off the engine, and locked the truck. The station receptionist greeted him as he walked in the building. “Hello, may I help you?” Caleb guessed the woman, who remained seated, was twenty-one or twenty-two. “Yeah, I’m meeting Sebastian Rush.” Her left eyebrow arched before she continued. “Sebastian Rush?” “He’s one of the cameramen.” “Oh. Let me see what I can do. Is Sebastian expecting you?” Caleb crossed his arms. “Yes. He knows I was going to meet him here at six.” She picked up the phone. “Hi, there’s a gentleman here to see Sebastian, one of the cameramen.” The young woman looked at Caleb and then spoke. “What’s your name, sir?” Her eyes grew wide as she repeated Caleb’s name over the phone and when she finished the call, and took her headset off, she then stood up. “I thought you looked familiar!” Caleb smiled and shook her hand once she offered it. “Nice to meet you.” “I’m Isabel My whole family’s into NASCAR. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you.” Caleb noted how the pink clingy sundress she wore showed off a small bosom. She had light brown hair that could easily turn blonde. “No worries. It’s all about the context. I’m sure if we were in Daytona and I was dressed in my safety suit you’d recognize me.” Isabel giggled, her hands clasped together in front of her. “You’re right. You know I’m not supposed to do this, but could I get your autograph?” Caleb smiled. “Sure.” Isabel tore off a page from her yellow pad and handed it to him with a pen. Caleb placed the paper on the counter and started signing his name and wishing her the best. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” asked Isabel. Caleb looked up and handed the autographed note to her. She accepted it without even looking at the regards he wrote out for her. “What’s Jeff Gordon like?” Caleb caught his half-smirk before it formed, and he cleared his throat before he spoke. “Jeff? Nice guy. Very smart, too.” “Yeah, he’s my favorite. He’s soooo hot.” Her face then turned red. “Obviously, you’re one of my favorites as well.” Caleb laughed. “No worries.” He glanced over to the waiting area, hoping not to miss Sebastian. “I read the People magazine article. I guess you’re out and off the market.” “I am. I’m out and proud now.” Isabel smiled. “I’m glad. I know a lot of people in NASCAR aren’t ready for gay drivers. But I’m okay with it and I know some of my friends don’t care. Will you ever go back to driving? Do you miss it?” “Yeah. I do. I do a lot, but it’s for the better. And I wish a lot of people thought like you, Isabel.” “It’s a shame,” said Isabel. “Last year’s race was pretty good. I was there and I saw the photo finish. Dammit. I wish I had my program with me instead of this office paper.” Isabel looked down at his autograph and smiled. “Thank you for this. I can’t wait to tell my friends how nice you are. And hot.” Caleb blushed, and before he had a chance to say anything further, he saw Sebastian. “Hey!” he shouted. Sebastian smiled and beckoned him to come closer. Caleb moved toward Sebastian and waved at Isabel. “See you later and take care.” “Bye,” said Isabel. Sebastian put his hand on Caleb’s shoulder and squeezed, but once they walked around the hall, away from Isabel, Sebastian kissed Caleb briefly on the mouth. “How was your day?” “Marketing pitch went fine,” said Caleb. “I don’t know if they’re going to hire the firm. But it was fifteen minutes of pitch and thirty minutes of people asking me questions about racing.” Sebastian combed his wavy brown hair with his fingers. “Well, it’s not every day that they meet a sports celebrity, right?” Caleb shook his head. “I’m sure some of them have met a few. I’m just a novelty to them, that’s all.” “How was the visit with Mom?” asked Sebastian. “Fine. It went fine.” Caleb thought about what Ginny had said but decided not to address it. “She gives her blessing for our wedding.” “Yeah. She texted me that you had a good time reminiscing about me and she gave you a couple of pictures of me to use in the wedding.” Sebastian glanced at his wristwatch. “I’m ready to leave in a few minutes. I just need to grab my schedule for the next week.” “Okay.” Caleb followed Sebastian to a small office where several desks had been pushed together. A few computers were spread here and there. Across the hall was a more organized mess of chairs and desks, used by the different anchors. “Got it!” Sebastian clutched a piece of paper and grabbed his book bag as they both made it back down the hallway. As they headed back to the lobby, they saw two men walking from the other side headed their way. “It’s Bob, the station manager,” Sebastian whispered. “We need to say hello.” Caleb nodded but saw the lean, broad-shouldered man next to him. He appeared less tan than what he remembered from magazine covers, but there was no mistaking the former swimmer who’d taken two bronze medals in the 2012 Olympics. “Leaving already?” asked the swimmer who glanced at Sebastian then Caleb. “Yeah, we’re heading out,” Sebastian said to him. Sebastian acknowledged the station manager. “Hi, Bob.” “Sebastian.” Bob nodded then extended his hand to Caleb. “You’re Caleb Youngblood.” “Caleb, please.” Caleb shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, sir.” “The pleasure’s all mine,” said Bob. “I know Sebastian recognizes this gentleman right here but let me introduce you to him, Caleb.” Caleb tensed, his shoulders pulled back. “Yes, we’ve never been formally introduced.” Caleb made sure to draw out the words. “David Benoit. Sebastian and I go way back.” Caleb caught David’s smirk directed toward Sebastian. “Way back,” repeated David as he shook Caleb’s hand. The last phrase hit Caleb in the gut. Sebastian’s face flushed. David laughed. “But we haven’t seen each other in a while, right? Maybe eighteen months, give or take a day.” “David’s going to Rio for us to do announcing for the Games. Local boy covering other Florida athletes. It’ll be great coverage. And we’re sending Sebastian here to be the cameraman.” Bob pulled his loose pants up and laughed along with David. “That’ll give you guys a chance to catch up.” Caleb eyed Sebastian who half-smiled and then briefly avoided looking at Caleb. Caleb’s eyes narrowed, after he saw Sebastian’s face had reddened so he faced Bob and David and pointedly mustered up his phoniest smile. “Sounds amazing. I’m sure you’ll both have a great time covering other gay swimmers, right David? Or are you even out, yet?”
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