Wasted trip

1835 Words

Chase, Emily, Jason, Truman and Brady had all seen the video that Cameron took of my lair meeting, and they had taken it upon themselves to come and talk some sense into me. They were surprised to see Megan there, and I didn’t really have any answers for them except that I was still the Sire of the lair. “Well, that was a wasted trip,” Truman said. “Not really, Emily bonded,” Chase said with a broad grin. “Why are you smiling like that? Bonding’s a good thing,” Link said as we all started laughing again. “You haven’t met her parents, have you?” Truman asked. “No, why?” Link asked as he looked a bit paler. “Oh man, can we have a party when Link’s introduced to them?” Jason asked. “Come on guys, it’s not that bad,” I said. “She bonded with him while his hook-up was fighting in the ki

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