
The Basketball players game


Kenzie and Daniel are 6 years apart and Kenzie is only 17. Daniel is training to be a basketball player and Kenzie is still in high school. And when they both find out they are expecting things are turned upside down. But what happens when Daniel is offered a job that requires him to live everything and everyone beside just so he can start his career. 

Do you think Daniel is that find out person? After all he has his family, friends and his baby he is expecting? 

What will happen to Kenzie and Daniels relationship? 

Read and imagine what will happen to the both of them

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Chapter 1 Kenzie POV Present day 'Positive' Oh! My gosh......this can not be happening to me now! I am only seventeen years old and now this is happening to me. This cannot be possible Daniel and I were using protection the whole time......how is this happening. I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt tears coming down my cheek. Knock! "Kenzie are you okay" I heard my younger sister Kaila say behide the door. "Leave me alone" i shouted at her. I didn't want her to see me like this or even see that I was pregnant. I guess this was just how i was reacting to the fact that I was pregnant at such a young age. This was exactly what my mother was trying to avoid Kaila and I, and know history is repeating itself. My mother had me when she was only 16 years and her life was miserable because my father left to go back to Africa and the when she turned 18 she fell pregnant again by my father, and she had my youngest sister Kaila who is currently 15 years old. Me and my Sister get along very well she is basically my twin, but right I just want time to think. My mother doesn't like talking about my father that much. All she says is that he is from Africa and is Angolan, and she never saw him ever since she told my father she was pregnant with Kaila..........Oh! my gosh what will Daniel do once he finds out I am pregnant. Daniel was 23 years old and was currently training to a basketball player he was going to finish his training in 6 months time. He wants to play for the Lakers, we have been dating for almost 2 years now. We meet at restaurant, and I was sitting at the table waiting for my date that didn't show, and he sat with me and that's how thing started. I didn't want to date him at first because of the huge age gaps, and I didn't know what my mother would think about all this. But when I finally told my mother that we were dating she was happy for me, but she talked to us about using protection but now I slapped her in the face . Oh! my gosh what will his mother think of me now, she has never liked me ever since Daniel and I started dating. As much as I hate saying this but Daniel was a mamas boy and loved listening to her. We were about break once because of her. I hope I am not like that if I have a boy. I cried in the bathroom for a good ten mins. I then decided to take a bath and well I was doing that I rubbed my belly, trying to figure out what to do. Before I could even tell my mother I had to tell Daniel first cause he was the father of my baby. My mother was the one who noticed that I was sick and that I was having pregnant symptoms. Before she left to go to Dubai because she was a personal assistant for one of the biggest companies in the world she brought me a pregnancy and told me I should test her once I get the results. When she gave the test to me she looked disappointed because she was not expecting me to have child at such a young age. When I was done bathing I walked out of the bathroom and texted Daniel to come over immediately. He replied saying he would be here in 5 mins. Daniel has his own house very close to mine which he paid for, I am so happy his mother didn't pay for anything cause thing I would not have entered that house with our her stopping be every 10 mins. But that would have been a good idea because then I wouldn't have been in this position. When Daniel arrived his beautiful tall figure gave me a hug, i was only 5.6 and he was like 6.98 I literally looked up to him like and when I told on my toes it wouldn't work cause he was still to tall. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "What is the problem why are you crying" he asked and brought me towards his buff chest and I could smell his minty cologne. I just couldn't stop crying. "What is wrong Kenzie you know you can talk to me" he said while rubbing my arm "I am....... I am......" I paused and lookedat him in the eyes "While What is it baby" he asked anxiously "I am pregnant" I said to him...............

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