Right As Raine

1433 Words

The sound of her terror rips through him as he damages yet another layer causing the ground to shift. He sees the earth dip, throwing her off center, her feet separate to find anything sturdy. There’s nothing, nowhere to turn. Brandon finds himself trying to keep himself steady in the wake of all of this too, his body bending and twisting to help him stay upright as well. His anxiety crashes over him as she slips from view, being pulled down through what he can only assume is a sinkhole. “Raine!” he roars. This is his fault. It’s all his fault! All of it. The last thing he sees is the scorched mark on her hand as she waves it frantically above her. “Brand—“ It’s the last thing he hears from her. Her terror is evident. Brandon shook in place. It… it swallowed her up, she’s gone! His ear

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