What's Within

1667 Words

Raine urges herself not to fan herself as it would be more telling than actually staring. No, she couldn’t do that, regardless of how damn hot her body got while it flushed, caught by him. He would see her do it too and that would be enough for his ego, even if he was cautious when he held her, maybe he wouldn't be the next time.  Oh, Maker the thought of another time to be held close to him had her ready to run. It was scary how much she wanted it, him… how much she wanted him to hold her again. That was nice, clutched carefully against him, she closes her eyes to remember it as if it was ages ago. There truly had not been a time in her life that anyone held her like that before and it quickly became something very valued to her. Just as she thinks she can get back to reality, weakness

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